Columbus |
Columbus – World Navigator, Slaver And Mass
For years the American history books gave Christopher Columbus
the credit of "discovering America" and proclaimed him to be a hero for daring to sail his frail craft across the Atlantic
when European scholars believed the world was flat. They even named cities and highways
and created a national holiday in his name. But now that the real story of what Columbus
did, and how he treated the natives he found on the various Caribbean Islands, the truth has thrown a pall of shame over the
very name. Weekly Terrible Person Report
The Lebanese Hezbollah Organization
(Part 4 In A Series)
Hezbollah came into existence because of the Israeli invasion
of Lebanon in 1982. It was primarily composed of 1,500 Iranian Revolutionary Guards, led by followers of the late Ayatollah
Khomeini, who entered Lebanon with permission from the Syrian government to help drive the Israelis out of Lebanon. During the 12 long years of conflict that followed, Hezbollah evolved as both a military and political force,
eventually becoming an organization with seats in the Lebanese government, programs for training fighters beyond Lebanon’s
borders, and even operating its own radio and satellite television station. Click For Story
America’s Student Loan Debt Trap
When I attended college in the late 1950s the sociologists jokingly
called it a "four-year-extension of infancy." That was because any high school graduate with a high enough grade average or
the capability of passing a college entrance exam could get a crack at a bachelor’s degree or more. Tuition and the price of used text books at the campus store made the price of attending college within grasp.
That was because we could earn enough money on available summer jobs to pay that part of the bill. I was able to earn enough
while in college, working at one of the dormitory cafeterias, to pay my off-campus room rent of seven dollars a week. A weekly
$10 check from my parents covered my food bill. Boy have things changed since those days. Story
Christian Narrow Mindedness
This week I am going to plagiarize a piece recently circulating around
on the Internet. The points made are so perfectly stated, and all of them slam the silly thinking of uncompromising Bible
believers right in the face. Click Here
Eye Goggles For A Mayan Ruler
I don't spend time watching television anymore, but a few years ago, when Nova’s archaeological mystery
story "Lost King of the Maya" aired on Public Broadcasting I found myself glued to the set. The story was about a mysterious
Mayan ruler named Yax K’uk Mo, who came out of the jungle from some unknown origin and founded a dynasty of 16 rulers,
lasting 400 years at Copan, Honduras. Click here for his amazing story.

The Fatah |
Fatah: Early Palestinian Militants
(Third In Series)
Even before there was the PLO in Palestine, there was a militant
organization known as the Fatah. Like the PLO, its original purpose was as a political movement representing the Palestinians
in conflicts with the Israelis when it came into existence in 1959. Fatah, which is an
Arabic word signifying "conquer" or "victory," grew from early armed struggles remembered as the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt in
Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Its motive was always the liberation of Palestine. Click For Report
The Police Crisis In America
The nation has been sliding toward a police state for a long
time. I watched it happening during the years I spent reporting police news, covering major fires, murders, court trials and
sometimes just riding around with the police on night patrol. There was a time when I
had my own personal coffee cup hanging on a hook with the other cups at the Michigan State Police Post. I was given free access
to the Sheriff’s Dispatcher’s radio room where I could read the nightly police and fire log. Nothing that the
police did in the county escaped my attention. No reporter gets that kind of access to police records today. My Story

Arafat And The PLO |
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Series Part 2
There appears to be primary motivations behind the modern terrorist
movements. They involve revenge, ethnic cleansing, religious differences, differences in political ideologies and conflicts
over land ownership. Some of these issues overlap as multiple complex driving forces behind some terrorist groups. All involve intense hatred driven into the minds of active terrorists, sometimes dating back for generations.
The latter appears to be among the motivational causes of the rise in terrorist activity
now imprisoning the Middle East. Story
Why The Candidate Hoopla Now?
If there is anything American’s could care less about
at this early date it is the growing list of presidential candidates and what they are saying publically about one another.
The first state primary elections are months away. The national primary is still more than a year away. The final presidential
election is not going to be big news until November, 2016. The political dribble is so
nauseating that it is small wonder that people are abandoning television programming and newspapers by the droves. Click For More

Why The Massive Wave Of World Terrorism?
When we think of the Bush War On Terrorism we tend to think
of the major terrorist organizations like ISIS, al Qaeda in the Middle East, Hizballah and Hamas in the Israeli/Palestinian
conflict and more recently Boko Haram in Nigeria, Africa. These are the groups that have
been making headlines in the last year or two. But there are many more of them. Terror organizations seem to be springing
up like mushrooms everywhere. We will be studying some of them. A planned series will be asking who they are and
why they came into existence. Click For Story
Another Appalling Political Year Looms
As if the presidential race hasn’t already been slapping
us in the face on our daily news feeds almost since the midterm elections concluded last November. Now the candidates for
the 2016 presidential race are making their declarations. First came Ted, then Hillary and Marco. By the time this story hit
publication the list will have grown even larger. With Barack Obama finishing his second
and final term in office, the field is wide open. And candidates are coming out of the cracks like cockroaches. Thoughts
Andrew Jackson’s Trails of Tears
Looking back in American history, no one can say President Andrew
Jackson was the sole instigator of the Indian Removal Act and its deadly effect on the five Native American tribes living
in the Southeastern Territories, but his name was clearly inscribed on the branding iron. The
Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the forced relocation of an estimated 125,000 Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek and Cherokee
people from their homes in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina and Florida to "Indian Territory" west of the Mississippi,
now known as the State of Oklahoma, is a dark and bloody blot in the nation’s history. Full Story
That Fukushima Horror Isn’t Over
There was an April Fool story in the Internet publication Register
that told of a complete meltdown of the cores of the three nuclear power plants at Fukushima and the shocking discovery by
corporate technicians that the packages of fuel rods, burning at heat hotter than the sun, appears to have dropped to the
core of the Earth. Worse than this, the story warned, some researchers expressed concern
that the cores may still be burning their way through the planet and there is a danger that they will eventually blast their
way out somewhere around the Falkland Islands, on the opposite side of the world. Click For Reality Check

Has Our Military Already Been To Mars?
A strange "whistleblower" story has appeared in a website titled
Exopolitics Activism quoting from a newsletter that states the U.S. Marines have not only been to Mars, but they
operate a secret space fleet that apparently roams around our solar system. The story
says a Marine identified as Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye USMC) has spent 17 years on Mars and three years serving on the
space fleet. Can we believe it or is it science fiction? Read More Here
The Great American Oligarchy
Our nation was promoted as a great republic, patterned after a Constitution
and Bill of Rights written by men 200 years ago who wanted desperately to establish a way of governing people that guaranteed
equality and fairness to everybody. But the United States quickly and secretly slid away from that framework to become another
oligarchy; perhaps the most powerful and most deadly of its kind to ever exist. Click For Story
We Are Born Into Social Enslavement
During my years working as a journalist, covering all phases
of life from industry to government and the church, I have concluded that everything we as a society believe and do is carefully
programmed by forces outside of our control. The reality we think we are experiencing
is no more than a matrix of our own making. The very word "freedom," which is so cherished by Americans, is no more than an
illusion. Everything we do and much of what we think is put in our minds via our televisions, our computers, our parents,
teachers and the church. Read More
Humanity In Self-DestructA new book by American ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver has caused a stir
among the scientific community. Silver suggests that humans are not of this Earth, and may have been placed here thousands
of years ago by an alien race as a punishment because of our inability to get along. In
a sense, Silver argues, we are all in a kind of prison. He does not believe we have a chance of being released from this mess
until we learn how to lay down our weapons and reach out to one another in love and kindness. It is obvious we have failed
in this quest. Is our time running out? Click For Story
Agenda 21 A Good Or Bad Idea?
It has been common knowledge that the world as we know it is in the midst of extreme change,
nations are locked in unrest, and we are facing racial, environmental, and overpopulation issues that threaten to push us
all into violent confrontation. World leaders have been watching this develop for decades and have been looking
for solutions. In 1992, during a United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, a 300-page document known as Agenda 21 was
signed by then President George H. W Bush and 177 other world leaders. Click For Story
The Invisible American Homeless
A House Divided . . .
Abraham Lincoln quoted Jesus when he gave his famous "house
divided" speech before the Republican State Convention in Springfield, Illinois, on June 16, 1858. Lincoln’s
speech was controversial when he said it. Yet it was clearly prophetic because of the looming Civil War that was to literally
tear the nation apart during his term in office. That war was fought over the issue of
state’s rights and slavery. Today, a century and a half later, America is once again a house divided, and the rift may
be even more severe than it was in 1858. Full Text
Arctic Release Of Methane Now At Deadly Levels
During the years when scientists were warning us about the "greenhouse
effect" of carbon dioxide from the mass burning of carbon based fuels, it was also theorized that if the heating Earth caused
the Arctic ice to melt there would also be a huge release of methane gas entrapped in the ice that would intensify the problem.
While the media is not reporting it, the worst scenario imaginable is now happening.
Click For Story
Cannabis; God’s Great Gift To Humanity
There are days when the joints in my body ache so bad I find
myself reaching for the pain pills prescribed by my doctor rather than rely on ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain relievers.
As I gulp down the pills and wait for the relief they will bring, I am fully aware that
the "medicine" in them is also attacking my liver, my kidneys, and other vital organs. I
am also aware that there is a simple and inexpensive alternative to this pain problem, and that it is probably growing secretly
in a basement, house or farm nearby. But to get my hands on it could subject me to assault by agents for the United States
Government. Click For More
Was Orwell’s "1984" A Prophetic Warning?
When published in 1949, I doubt if anyone ever thought the world
depicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" would ever come into reality. Orwell described a complete enslavement of humanity
by a privileged political elite. The government system was depicted by a Big Brother character that preached a socialistic
system of collective behavior (Ingsoc) from giant television screens mounted everywhere. People
worked in little cubicles. Video cameras were mounted on all streets, public buildings
and job sites. And the world was engaged in a perpetual war against a vague enemy. Sound
familiar? Click For More
The Looming Trans-Pacific Partnership
It was probably inevitable that our ever-shrinking world would
drift into the global partnership long described by the prophets of old as a "one world government." This emerging global
enterprise is not like anything we ever imagined, however. That’s because it is being designed by the people now in
financial and political power who are primarily interested in creating a corporate plan to seize even more of the planet’s
resources, latch onto the world’s wealth and further enslave the masses. Click For Story

The Insanity Of High Cost Education
The United States once held the distinction of having the best
colleges and universities in the world. People came from all over to study here. That was once. It is no longer the case.
This is clearly one of the signs that the United States is falling behind in its standing
in the world. It is a nation that has been taken over by bankers and big money interests who have skillfully devalued the
dollar, created an inflation that has grown faster than workers can earn money to live, and in the process, destroyed the
great universities that once turned out great thinkers, educators and creative people capable of lighting the world stage.
Click For Story
The Bilderberg Conspiracy Theory
The Bilderberg Group, which has been in existence since 1954,
is an organization comprised of up to 150 political, industrial, university, media and financial leaders representing nations
in Europe and North America. Because its annual meetings are held behind closed doors,
without media coverage, the Bilderberg Group has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. Some believe it is, in
effect, an organization of people who really control world events. Click For Story
The Odd Kennedy/Lincoln Paradox
There are some spooky historical events hovering over the office
of the United States President that go beyond natural explanation. John F. Kennedy was the last American president to die in office, thus his murder appears to have ended an old Tecumseh curse.
But the Kennedy assassination and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln have jolted historians with a long list of synchronicities
that have been hard to explain. Click To Find Out More
The Insane Impact Of Teabag Sequestering
The City of Santa Cruz, California, has for years been known
for its street artists, writers and historic charm. It was common to hear music as young starving artists performed on city
streets with their hats out for donations from passers-by. Off-beat writers like Robert Anton Wilson dined in some of the
town’s quaint little restaurants. Everywhere you looked there was something interesting occurring. That was then. Now, thanks to major cuts in government assistance programs to states, Santa Cruz, like cities
all over America, have lost their charm. People are staying at home behind locked doors rather than deal with what awaits
them on the open streets. Click For More

Extreme Weather May Be The New Normal
During my years working as a bureau reporter in Michigan, we experienced
a severe storm that dumped 24 inches of rain on our area in about a week. It was a disaster for the rural farming area. Fields
of crops were under water. Roads were flooded, bridges were washed out, streams overflowed their banks and basements were
flooded. They said that was what the
weather people call a “100-year” flood, and was so rare we probably would not experience anything like it again
in our lifetime.
But lo, storms like
that and worse are so common now that very few people are escaping them. Click For
Giants On The Earth
Michael A. Cremos books, "Forbidden Archaeology" and "Forbidden
Archaeology's Impact," published in 1993 and 1998, respectively, have had a quiet impact on the pre-programmed folks who dared
to read them and consider their message. Cremo believes many museums and departments
of archaeology at major Universities, have been hiding fossilized artifacts that tend to challenge the accepted views of history.
The bones of giant humanoids have been found all over the Earth. Read More
The Insanity Of Fracking Drilling companies have been fracturing oil wells almost since the first wells were
drilled in the mid-1800s. In those days they used dynamite or nitroglycerine dropped in shallow, hard rock oil wells to crack
the rock and stimulate the flow of crude oil and natural gas. It also was found to be a great way of waking up tired old wells
where even the pumps were not pulling much oil to the surface. This new practice of fracking, however, is destroying
what is left of America’s precious water supply. Click
For Story
The Barbaric Act Of Execution
wince at the very thought of some criminal in some far-away prison being “legally” put to death following conviction
for crimes he or she may or may not have committed. We also find ourselves turning away from pictures of captured people in
foreign lands being lined up before firing squads, or being beheaded at the blade of a sharp sword. We dislike the idea, it
is an archiac custom, and studies show that the threat of execution does not deter crime. So why do we still do it? Click
For Story

Is Opium Behind The Long Afghan War?
America’s adventures in the Middle East began with an attack on Afghanistan in 2001, in apparent retaliation
after the 9-11 attack. The nation was led to believe that Osama bin Laden and his Sunni militant Islamist organization known
as al-Qaeda plotted the attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. But was it all a set-up to get American and UK forces in the region
for another reason? Click For
The Insanity Of Destroying Our Fresh Water
My wife and I chose to buy our retirement home on Michigan’s Keweenaw
Peninsula because it is surrounded by fresh water. The peninsula juts north out into Lake Superior. Not many miles to our
south is Lake Michigan. And to the east is Lake Huron. There was method in our madness. The lakes near us are but three of
the five Great Lakes which collectively hold the largest body of fresh water left on the planet. But you won't believe what
big corporations are doing to those lakes now. Click For Story
Setting Time By The Moon Instead Of Clocks
The late Author-Professor José Argüelles believed clocks are
a bane on humanity and that the archaic Georgian Calendar, created and mandated by the church, is an archaic way of controlling
and operating our lives. He advocated replacing the Georgian Calendar with an even older,
but more accurate 13-Moon – 28 Day calendar once used by the Mayans that he said is a "perfectly balanced solar/lunar
measure" that he believed would have given the planet a new start toward a one-world government "and a shot at peace." Click For More
Painless Cancer Cure Was Known In 1934
Royal Rife, the man who invented the high powered microscope,
also invented a sound frequency machine that kills the viruses and bacteria behind an estimated 50 different human diseases,
including cancer. Rife and his associates had a device that successfully cured cancer in both animals and humans as early
as 1934. So why aren't we using the Rife frequency machine? Click For More

George Mason |
Why George Wouldn’t Sign The Constitution
This is not a story about George Washington. This is about another
man involved in framing the U. S. Constitution, bringing about the Bill of Rights, and influencing the way our nation operates
today. His name was George Mason, someone few of us have ever heard of and rarely, if ever, mentioned in American history
books. Mason played a key role in framing our government and if more convention members had listened to him, we might not
be in the pickle we face today. Click For Story
Next: Corporate Control Of World Water
It’s bad enough that Nestlé former CEO—now Chairman of the Board—Peter
Brabeck-Letmathe supports GMO farming, saying that genetically modified (GM) foods are “perfectly safe” and don’t
cause any health problems, while also saying that organic farming is “not the best. But now he’s dipped his toes
into the water supply, indicating that the world’s water supply should—and will soon—come under the control
of corporations. Underground Health - Click For Link
Gang of 5 Needs To Be Reined In
When I was a youngster growing up in Harbor Beach, Michigan, everybody in town revered
one older house that was maintained as a special place of honor. It was the former home of the late Supreme Court Justice
Frank Murphy, who was perhaps the most admired person to ever have lived in that community. We looked upon that house was
awe. On special occasions the house was open to the public for view, although it was never considered a museum. That was how
much we admired people who sat on that hallowed bench. We don't think that way anymore. Click For Story
The Destruction of Journalism In America
It has been no secret that the popularity of the Internet preceded
by television news via cable networks has taken its toll on the newspaper and news magazine industry. That the largest examples
of print journalism . . . the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Gannett Corporation papers
and others have fallen under corporate ownership has helped put the coffin nail on the world of real journalism in America.
The move to cut off information to the public is not letting up. Click For Story
Living On The Edge; America’s
Cockeyed Monetary Oil Standard
You can thank Henry Kissinger, the late President
Richard M. Nixon and the economic advisors for the Nixon Administration for resetting America’s monetary standard and
leading us into almost constant warfare in the Middle East. They also awarded us a growing financial crisis that may mean
the downfall of the United States as we once knew it. Click For Story

Terrorism: The False Generation Of Domestic Fear
Was the danger ever as great as we were led to
believe? A new book, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured
War on Terrorism by Trevor Aaronson reveals how we have all been successfully duped to willingly give up our rights in
exchange for protection from a non-existent enemy. Click For Story
The Corporate Plan: Keep Them Scared
If you ever wonder why the stock market makes the U.S. economy look
so healthy while so many Americans are struggling just to make ends meet, there is no push to raise the minimum wage and many
skilled workers are still listed among the unemployed, consider this: the corporate giants like it this way. Click For
A team of scientists at Pennsylvania State University has developed
an entirely new and more-effective kind of antibiotic. It does not trigger resistance in bacteria, and its effectiveness is
hundred times higher than that of currently used antibiotics. At present, scientists are discussing whether mankind will be
able to forget infectious diseases forever by using the new medicine. - See more at: http://www.setyoufreenews.com/2013/06/09/bacteria-or-antibiotics-fight-continues/#sthash.SYNsIdS8.dpuf
A team of scientists at Pennsylvania State University has developed
an entirely new and more-effective kind of antibiotic. It does not trigger resistance in bacteria, and its effectiveness is
hundred times higher than that of currently used antibiotics. At present, scientists are discussing whether mankind will be
able to forget infectious diseases forever by using the new medicine. - See more at: http://www.setyoufreenews.com/2013/06/09/bacteria-or-antibiotics-fight-continues/#sthash.SYNsIdS8.dpuf
A team of scientists at Pennsylvania State University has developed
an entirely new and more-effective kind of antibiotic. It does not trigger resistance in bacteria, and its effectiveness is
hundred times higher than that of currently used antibiotics. At present, scientists are discussing whether mankind will be
able to forget infectious diseases forever by using the new medicine. - See more at: http://www.setyoufreenews.com/2013/06/09/bacteria-or-antibiotics-fight-continues/#sthash.SYNsIdS8.dpuf
The Titanic Disaster’s Financial Impact On America
The sinking of the White Star Line’s new liner Titanic and the
loss of an estimated 1,500 lives after striking an iceberg on its maiden voyage on April 15, 1912 has remained one of the
world’s most memorable disasters. While there have been other ship disasters perhaps just as horrifying that claimed
even more lives, the Titanic story is the one that remains etched most deeply in the historical record. And there are several
strange synchronicities that we suspect account for this. Read More
News works like a drug. As stories develop, we want to know how
they continue. With hundreds of arbitrary storylines in our heads, this craving is increasingly compelling and hard to ignore.
The more news we consume, the more we exercise the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those
used for reading deeply and thinking with profound focus. The physical structure of the brain changes. - See more at: http://disinfo.com/2013/05/is-following-the-news-bad-for-you/#sthash.0B3gOQY0.glhO9mWj.dpuf
News works like a drug. As stories develop, we want to know how
they continue. With hundreds of arbitrary storylines in our heads, this craving is increasingly compelling and hard to ignore.
The more news we consume, the more we exercise the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those
used for reading deeply and thinking with profound focus. The physical structure of the brain changes. - See more at: http://disinfo.com/2013/05/is-following-the-news-bad-for-you/#sthash.0B3gOQY0.glhO9mWj.dpuf
News works like a drug. As stories develop, we want to know how
they continue. With hundreds of arbitrary storylines in our heads, this craving is increasingly compelling and hard to ignore.
The more news we consume, the more we exercise the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those
used for reading deeply and thinking with profound focus. The physical structure of the brain changes. - See more at: http://disinfo.com/2013/05/is-following-the-news-bad-for-you/#sthash.0B3gOQY0.glhO9mWj.dpuf
The Great PCB Assault That Won’t
Go Away
The dangers of PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls,
were known as early as 1929, about 50 years after they were first used in manufacturing goods for public use. Unfortunately
it took the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban the manufacture of this stuff in the United States, but that wasn’t
until 1977. In the meantime, PCBs, used in the manufacture of inks, dyes,
paints, adhesives, carbonless papers, lubricants, flame retardants, surface coatings and sealants, and industrial fluids,
got spread everywhere and contaminated our world. Click For More
The Abnormal Concept Of Ownership
The great wall of division among humanity has
always been wealth. And wealth can be interpreted as ownership. Those with wealth possess land, the society’s monetary
supply, and consequently power. Imagine living in a society where ownership
of "things" does not exist. It has been said that when Europeans first
stepped on American soil, the natives were puzzled at the idea of "owning land." Some of the languages lacked words to even
describe personal ownership of anything. Click For More

Suzie Donahue |
Can The Problems Of Human Aging
Be Reversed?
Most humans begin to suffer
from the effects of aging by the time they reach their 50s, and things usually go downhill from there. These are the years
when hardening of the arteries bring on high blood pressure, heart attacks, the various organs in the body stop functioning
as well as they once did so we suffer from diabetes, failing eyesight, loss of memory, weight gain, our muscles turn to fat
and the skin hangs in wrinkles. Theta Healer Suzie Donahue believes there may be a way to stop
aging and possibly even reverse it. Click For More
Recycled Radioactive Waste In Our Homes
If you have purchased something "new" for your home recently,
it might be a good idea to have a geiger counter handy. It appears that many of the household products we are buying are being
manufactured from the tons of radioactive waste that have been piling up since we began manufacturing atomic bombs and building
nuclear powered ships and electric generating plants. Click For More
Alarming Moves Designed To Change Our World
As if we are living on a giant chessboard, the pieces have been silently
moved into place without many of us realizing that the queen is about to fall. The shadow rulers of the world appear about
to make their final move. Once it happens, and it will probably occur unexpectedly, the world as we have known it will be
changed forever. Dare To Read On
Imagine A World Without Slavery
Slavery has been a way of life on Earth for as long as humans
have recorded history. It has appeared in many forms . . . from the concept of one man owning another and forcing the slave
to do his will, to serfdom under the rule of kings and assembly line workers laboring for whatever the employer chooses to
pay. Existence under slavery has always meant a life of hard labor and drudgery. Workers
are owned by the master in one way or another. Could there be an alternative? Click For More

The Human Perception of Reality
In the third book of his Cosmic Trigger trilogy, the late author
Robert Anton Wilson takes a unique look at the concept of human conditioned "tunnel reality" by bringing his readers into
a dark room filled with people looking at a television screen. It is such a brilliant way of explaining the way we are brainwashed
by society to view our world, we are taking the liberty of passing it on to you. Click For Story
Have We Been Down This Road Before?
I am fascinated by the so-called anomalies that keep turning
up in the earth and rock of this ancient planet. Discoveries like a porcelain coated metallic object (spark plug?), a manufactured
wire chain, a common nail, iron tools and concrete pillars and blocks, found deep in the earth or the bottom of the ocean
. . . places where they should not be . . . give me an eerie feeling that the human race has been down this path more than
once. It's as if we are being recycled and forced to live our existence over and over again until we get it right. More . . .
Why "Drinking Water" Is Unfit To Drink
I am old enough to remember the days when we used to drink water
right from the faucet and not think anything of it. I should qualify that. I disliked
drinking tap water because the taste and odor of chlorine, dumped into the city water system at the filtration plant was terrible.
Some days a gulp of that water was drinking Roman Cleanser straight from the bottle. But we drank the water because we trusted
the government promise that it was safe. Click For More
Calling On The Messiah
As a strange form of insanity
sweeps our overpopulated, polluted and poisoned world is should not be surprising that people of all religious faiths are
looking for some kind of miraculous intervention by God to save us from ourselves. It is well known that the Christians
are waiting on the promised return of Jesus to launch a thousand-year period of peace. Contemporary “holy men”
have stepped out of the shadows in recent years to either declare themselves to be the long-awaited savior, or to announce
the signs of his arrival. Click For Story

Fixing The Woes Of Our Nation
It seems that we are reading and hearing more and more scare
stories about the out-of-control national debt and the probability of the "too-big-to-fail" banks going into bankruptcy and
bringing on another world depression. More and more people are out of work or living in poverty. Our infrasturcture is crumbling.
Fixing this mess would be simple if we could briefly put a benevolent dictator into office
with the power to override Congress, the Supreme Court and all of the other power figures hiding behind the velvet drapes
behind the king’s throne. Click For The Donahue Plan
Is The U.S. Government Lost To The Gangsters?
After years of working as a government reporter and watching
the erosion of the nation’s Constitutional way of doing business, it is clear to me that the United States government
is no longer functioning the way our forefathers intended. It has all been taken over
by the power brokers . . . the wealthy bankers and corporate bosses who are deciding in their own best financial interest
rather than the best interest of the people. Click For Rant
The Fresco Solution For Saving The World
Those who have heard his lectures or read about him know that
Jacque Fresco is among the great thinkers of the modern world. At 96, Fresco has experienced two world wars, the Great Depression,
and the shift from a family/farm-oriented society to the industrial/electronic/capitalistic wilderness we struggle with today.
A self-taught
industrial and architectural designer, social and structural engineer, Fresco has invented numerous devices for industrial
and medical use, and he has designed a futuristic plan to meet the world’s social needs in what he has called The Venus
Project. Click For Story
Flirting With Disaster On The Electric Grid
As we were during the days of cheap oil, Americans appear blindly unaware of a potential looming
disaster that looms on the nation’s electric grid. Yet when the lights go out for even a few hours, all life as we know
it grinds to a halt. Consider how cities clogged with millions of people might deal with a black-out lasting weeks or even
years. Click For Story

Our Dying Oceans; Why Isn't This Big News? The oceans of our world are massive. And the storms at sea can be powerful. In the days of sailing ships,
vessels often remained at sea for months before making landfall. Sometimes they sailed off never to be heard of again. This
may be why humans have been careless about dumping waste products from not only our ships, but trash from industrial and city
waste, and agricultural run-off into our rivers into the open seas. We never dreamed that such activity could threaten the
life that existed under those vast and seemingly endless waters. It has taken us a few hundred years, but we have succeeded
in doing this very thing. We are on the brink of killing the oceans of the world. Click For Story
Antimatter Theory Offers Incredible
Probabilities Ever since Paul Dirac theorized the existence of
anti-matter in 1928, there has been a sense among world physicists that all things in the universe must have an opposing counterpart
to preserve a necessary symmetry. The discovery of positrons, the anti-matter equivalent of electrons, and the subsequent
discoveries of anti-protons and other anti-particles since Dirac have not only proven the existence of opposite forces, but
opened the door to quantum physics. Click
For Story
Mystery Of Mass Human Disappearance
There are many stories involving the unexplained disappearance
of people . . . including entire brigades of soldiers and the crew of ships at sea. The stories don't come up frequently and
some of them date back so far into the past that the truth of such events are somewhat lost in the dust of time. But the stories
are hauntingly told and retold. We offer some of the most bizarre. Click To Read
Is The Afghan Fighting About The Gold?
When President George W. Bush ordered American troops to invade the entire country
of Afghanistan in 2001 in retaliation to the 9-11 attack by an al-Qaeda terrorist cell located in Kandahar, many believed
there was some other objective behind such a military move. Osama bin Laden and
his gang quickly disappeared into the rugged mountainous terrain between Afghanistan and Pakistan and US and British forces
found themselves fighting against another powerful tribal force, the Taliban, which was not believed to have been linked with
al-Qaeda or the attack on the United States. So why did we do this? And why are we still there in 2012, with military advisors saying
they think we need to stay a few years longer to try to build a stable government? Its about the money folks. Its always about
the money when we go to war. Click For More

The Deficit – Break Down The Department Of Homeland Security
After the attacks of 9-11, President George W. Bush declared a War on Terror, launched two
wars in the Middle East, and created the complex and costly bureaucracy called the Department of Homeland Security. That department,
which involves a cabinet position, absorbed a long list of new and existing government agencies. It now functions with 216,000
employees and sucks up an annual budget of $52 billion. It is such a complex agency it consistantly fails to function and
reports of graft and wasteful spending are common. Click For Story
Cut The Deficit – Stop The Big Business Of Running America’s
The last lines in the National Anthem
proclaims the United States to be “the land of the free . . .” Folks that stand up at sports and other public
events and proudly sing these words may be shocked to know that the statement is not true. There are more Americans currently
under incarceration per capita in the U. S. than in any other nation in the world. Our criminal justice system has become
a big business enterprise and it is out of control. Click For Story
The Deficit – Start With The Military
Before he left office, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a five-star general who served as Supreme
Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II, left Americans with a warning that the military industrial complex
constructed for this war had a “potential for a disastrous rise of misplaced power.” He knew what he was talking
about. And we didn't listen. Click For Story
Dismantle The Federal Reserve
We once considered Alan Greenspan, long-time chairman
of the Federal Reserve, as one of the most powerful and influential figures in the world of finance. Today the bearded face
of Ben Bernanke fills that void and wields as much power as Greenspan once did. But why? The Federal Reserve is a privately held corporation owned by stockholders
representing the largest banks in the land. It has seized unconstitutional power since its creation in 1913. Author David
Quinn writes that “if
the American public understood what their (Federal Reserve) policies have done to their lives, they would be rioting in the
streets. Click For Story

Americans Under Mass Sedation?
a majority of voters in America would shift back to a Republican House majority in 2010 mid-term elections, after the extreme
economic collapse brought on during the Bush years; that citizens would stare blankly at their television screens after the
U. S. Supreme Court gave private corporations the power to dump secret donations of money into political campaigns, boggles
the mind. That silly minded women like Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, and Christine O’Connell, although unsuccessful in
their bids as candidates for elected office, should rise in popularity and be trumpeted by the media, even after the elections
are over, makes us shake our heads in disbelief. What has happened to our minds? Click For Story
Beware The Codex Alimentarius Conspiracy
If the insurance lobby wins the health bill battle in America, and if big pharma succeeds in pushing legislation
to enforce rules established under Codex Alimentarius, a global plan hatched within the United Nations, the people will not
only be saddled with the high cost of health care, but they will be forced to use poisonous prescription drugs rather than
natural home remedies in their quest to stay healthy. Click For Story
Do You Think You Own Your Home?
All of this drama about home foreclosures and mortgage foreclosures, declining property values and homeless
people occupying vacant buildings is a very contemporary phenomenon. When the aboriginals occupied the North American continent,
there was no such thing as land ownership. If you think about it, there still isn’t. At least for middle class Americans. Click For Story
Why Modern Medicine Remains in the Stone Age
for cancer and a host of other deadly diseases have been known for a very long time in the United States. The story behind
this "secret" is so ugly most people may find it hard to believe anyone would purposefully do something so evil. Click For Story
The Fishbein Effect On The American Health System
Most Americans agree that the nation’s
health system has degenerated into a high-cost composite of radical surgeries, extensive torture treatments and a quagmire
of prescription medications that have been big business for the medical providers. It is a mess that must be fixed. And we
owe much of the blame on a greedy man named Morris Fishbein who rose to power as head of the AMA in 1934. Click For Story
Is the U.S. Food Industry Purposefully Poisoning Us?
its release in 1997, Dr. Russell L. Blaylock's book "Excitotoxins, the Taste That Kills," has inspired further research
in which a variety of other papers by notable experts strongly support his claims that a "food enhancer" called monosodium
glutamate (MSG) and an artificial sweetener
called aspartame (NutraSweet) are linked to a wide variety
of human brain disorders and may even be killing us. Click For Story
