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Strange Creatures - Where Are They Coming From? The World Needs A Day Of Thanksgiving Setting Straight The Great Lincoln Myth The Great Redeemer Complex Does Plea Bargaining Belong In Our Justice System? Will Ebola Be America's Next Horror? Stanford Professor: People Are Losing Intelligence Hancock Has His Finger On Real Human Origins The Big Tamiflu Ripoff Mystery Stones Of Mount Padang Why "Drinking Water" Is Unsafe To Drink The Crisis Of Disappearing Island Nations December 3, 2012; Day Of Decision Could Our Military Ever Destroy The Moon? That Curious Number 9 What Happened To America's "Free Press?" The Occult Symbolism Behind The Vulture Could Machines Someday Rule The World? GMO Babies; What Have We Done? Strange Texas Utility Pole Fires Today Is 12-12-12 Hiding In Underground Bunkers Not A Good Idea The National Destruction of Organized Labor What Power Do The Zionists Have Over The World? Are Native American "Skinwalkers" Really Disguised Aliens? Those Mysterious Orbs Captured In Photographs Who Built The Strange Tunnels Of Baiae? Is The Meat Industry Turning Us Into Cannibals? Strange Cases Of People Slipping In Time The Dark Ugly Month of Christmas It's December 21 And We're Still Here! Has The Military Perfected Tesla's "Death Ray?" The Santa Claus Fondly Remembering Christmas With The Family The National Gun Issue -- Again Dare We Welcome In 2013? Transplant Phenomena Suggests Cellular Memory HAARP May Be Controlling Us And Destroying Our Planet The Anxiety In Facing This New Year
The Mind of James Donahue