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The universe we can observe offers
dramatic proof that it is alive, in constant movement and growth, or creation. There also is a definitive age of the stars
followed by their death.
The Living Planet Earth To understand the
origins of life must recognize our planet as a living, sentient being. The Native Americans call her the Mother Earth,
and they are correct.
And Ye Shall Be As God The story of how Satan disguised himself
as a beautiful serpent that tempted Eve into disobeying God and eating of fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
is the foundation of the false doctrine known as Christianity. Find out what really happened.
The story of Cain and Abel, allegedly
the first sons of Adam and Eve, is a record of the first known murder in human history. It also marks the first human
death. What Happened To The
Longevity Of Methuselah? It is well known, probably even among
non-Bible scholars, that a man in the Old Testament named Methuselah lived a record 969 years, making him the oldest recorded
human in the history of the human race. Enoch And The Antediluvians The oldest surviving records about
the pre-flood era . . . known as the antediluvian period . . .are mostly found in the Book of Genesis, the Epic of Gilgamesh,
and the Book of Enoch. They talk of giants and gods from the sky. What really happened? An Examination Of The
Story Of Noah Of all the miracle accounts in the
Bible, the story of Noah and the ark he built, so a remnant of humans and living creatures could escape cataclysmic events,
has survived scholarly efforts of disproval. Just what happened at
that distant time in the past, and why it occurred, remains a mystery. The First World Emperor Nimrod A great grandson of Noah, Nimrod was the son of There are several versions of how Semiramis got to be the declared mother of god. One of them said that after
the death of Nimrod, Semiramis bore a son, Tammuz. Since she could not have conceived the child from the dead Nimrod, she
proclaimed it to have been a miracle conception and that Tammuz was Marduk reborn. Click For Story The Days Of Peleg Peleg, a fifth generation descendant
of Noah, is briefly mentioned in the tenth chapter of the Book of Genesis: “And
unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name
was Joktan.” What does this mean? This ancient tale from the pages of
the Book of Genesis has perplexed many Bible scholars because it doesn’t seem to make sense. It appears to be an attempt to explain why humans were spread all over the world, and emerged with so many
different cultures, languages and races after springing from the same root. But there is more to this story than meets the
eye. How Did Human Racial
Diversification Happen? If the Abram In The Was there really a man named Abraham that
emerged from the ancient land of the Chaldees to become the progenitor of the Hebrew and Palestinian people? The Crowley Troth Chariot Card depicts
Abram dressed in armor and carrying the Ark of the Covenant in his arms. What is the meaning of this? Everything in Ezekiel’s Gog and
Magog Prophecy A Old Testament A Manufactured Myth Thanks to the work of Israel Finkelstein, the head of the Archaeology Department, Tel Aviv University,
the true origins of the so-called Jewish state are beginning to be understood. It appears the Old Testament stories were made
up to create a "chosen people" who were not what the Book says they were. Click For Story