The Mind of James Donahue Nuclear Destruction |
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What Really Happened
At By James Donahue In the Bible story, Abraham
left Chaldea for the Promised Land and his nephew According to the Bible
account, this was a mistake on Lot’s part, since The angel that declared
itself Yahweh, or god of the Hebrews, declared that it was abhorred by the fact that men were having sex with men, unmarried
women were having sexual relations with each other and with men, and that This story has remained
to this day a root of the twisted and perverted thought processes of Christians about sex. There is a programmed fear against
free sensual expression that forces people of that faith into a form of insanity. Release is sometimes found through such
perversions as pedophilia, rape and serial killings of homosexuals, prostitutes and often just young men and women selected
at random. As the Bible story is
told, two angels are sent to Lot’s house in As they make their flight
to the small community of Zoar, the judgment falls upon the wicked cities of “And Abraham gat
up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord: And he looked toward When it was over, Was this really a judgment
from some almighty force on high, or was something else going on here? Remember in our examination
of Abram, the first name Abraham used, when he left Aaron C. Donahue said
that object in Abram’s arms was the real Ark of the Covenant, a container holding the secret to nuclear power. It was
probably raw plutonium, and so radioactive that the container was encased in lead and iron. Abram was wearing a protective
covering to shield himself against radioactive poisoning. Note to that there was
a war going on in the area of While all of this is
going on in Abraham’s life, the tribes of the There followed a campaign
by Abraham to rescue Lot was living back in
The Bible story states
that This story was centered
at the southern end of the barren Digs in each of these
areas has produced the telltale signs of ash and sulfur balls. The foundations of the houses and buildings show that they
were once substantial in size. This indicates that the people were advanced in culture. Historian Laurence Gardner notes
that based on writings from the Nag Hammadi, or copies of much older Greek works, there can be found evidence that the cities
of These were not primitive
warfaring cultures, but rather people of learning and the arts. So how did such a terrible thing happen to them? One writer
suggested that they simply got on the wrong side of a much larger conflict between two regions. They were caught in the middle
and were bombed into oblivion. The destruction in these
cities went beyond even the damage a volcano might cause. While volcanic ash will burn and bury a city, it can leave stone
structures intact as with the City of Everything in According to research
by writer Zecharia Sitchin, the written record indicates that the war was between
Enki and Enlil, sons of the Sumerian god, Anu, who battled for supremacy in about 2000 BC. Enlil’s son Marduk was apparently the one that
used a nuclear weapon to destroy the five cities as well as the Sumerian Civilization, which was downwind of the radioactive
fallout. If you recall, Marduk
was the name of the king of What tangled webs we
weave as we dig through the corrupted records of ancient history. |