The Mind of James Donahue

Nuclear Destruction

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What Really Happened At Sodom And Gomorrah?


By James Donahue


In the Bible story, Abraham left Chaldea for the Promised Land and his nephew Lot went with him. On their way both men became so encumbered with livestock that the land would not support them both. So they parted ways. Abraham went to Canaan and Lot went into the Jordan Valley and settled in the City of Sodom along the Dead Sea.


According to the Bible account, this was a mistake on Lot’s part, since Sodom was a wicked place where the people practiced sexual perversion. The name sodomy is derived from the name of that place, although there is no historical proof that this sexual act was practiced any more heavily there than anywhere else in the world.


The angel that declared itself Yahweh, or god of the Hebrews, declared that it was abhorred by the fact that men were having sex with men, unmarried women were having sexual relations with each other and with men, and that Sodom was therefore a wicked place that must be destroyed.


This story has remained to this day a root of the twisted and perverted thought processes of Christians about sex. There is a programmed fear against free sensual expression that forces people of that faith into a form of insanity. Release is sometimes found through such perversions as pedophilia, rape and serial killings of homosexuals, prostitutes and often just young men and women selected at random.


As the Bible story is told, two angels are sent to Lot’s house in Sodom to persuade Lot and his family to flee, because the city is about to be destroyed by hail and brimstone from heaven. To emphasize the wicked ways of the people even further, the story continues to report that the men of the city overwhelmed Lot’s house in their frenzy to have sexual relations with the angels. The angels use magic powers to blind their assailants and everybody escapes this terrible fate of sexual contact with a frenzied mob.


As they make their flight to the small community of Zoar, the judgment falls upon the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot’s wife paused and looked back, supposedly remembering the good sex she had there, and was blasted into a pillar of salt.


“And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord: And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.”


When it was over, Lot didn’t feel safe even in Zoar, so he moved his family into a cave in the highlands. Or so the story is told.


Was this really a judgment from some almighty force on high, or was something else going on here?


Remember in our examination of Abram, the first name Abraham used, when he left Ur? We examined the Crowley Troth card that depicts Abram dressed in armor and carrying a strange bright object in his hands as he rides a chariot from Ur.


Aaron C. Donahue said that object in Abram’s arms was the real Ark of the Covenant, a container holding the secret to nuclear power. It was probably raw plutonium, and so radioactive that the container was encased in lead and iron. Abram was wearing a protective covering to shield himself against radioactive poisoning.


Note to that there was a war going on in the area of Sodom and Gomorrah at the time Lot and his family settled there. Lot arrives in Sodom in Chapter 14, and the destruction of the cities is described in Chapter 19. In between is found the story of Abram’s frustration with a fertile wife, his infidelity with Hagar that resulted in the birth of Ishmael, then Sari’s pregnancy that results in the birth of Isaac. Thus the two warring bloodlines of the Hebrew and Palestinian people are established.


While all of this is going on in Abraham’s life, the tribes of the Jordan Valley are fighting. This war continues for years. Then in Chapter 14 we read that the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, plus the kings of Admah, Zeboiim and Bela joined in battle against the other forces at Siddim. The battle apparently did not go well for the armies of the valley because they ended up fleeing to a hideout in a mountain and Lot was captured and held prisoner by the enemy as a Sodomite.


There followed a campaign by Abraham to rescue Lot. He swooped down upon the camp with his own army and brought Lot and his entire family out to safety.


Lot was living back in Sodom when the final attack came that left the city and all of the territory a nuclear waste from that time on. Notice that Lot’s wife didn’t get away and was consumed by the blast. She was not turned to salt, but to ash. Abraham, from a safe distance away, gazed upon the area of Sodom and Gomorrah and saw that “smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.” Remember that pictures of nuclear explosions look like this. The blast shot straight upward in a pillar, then mushroomed out in a vast cloud overhead.


The Bible story states that Lot and his family survived the attack in the small community of Zoar. But he quickly left there and moved into a cave. From the archaeological evidence uncovered, Zoar did not escape the destruction. Thus if Lot survived, he went directly to the care and did not stop in Zoar.


This story was centered at the southern end of the barren Dead Sea, by a mountain known as Mount. Sodom. Archaeologists, with the help of satellite mapping, located geometric square and rectangular shapes not only at Sodom and Gomorrah, but at three other cities in the area that were destroyed by the same blast. They were identified as Admah, Zeboim and Zoar (also known as Bela). All were located along the edge of the Dead Sea. All were the places involved in the battle described in Genesis, Chapter 14.


Digs in each of these areas has produced the telltale signs of ash and sulfur balls. The foundations of the houses and buildings show that they were once substantial in size. This indicates that the people were advanced in culture. Historian Laurence Gardner notes that based on writings from the Nag Hammadi, or copies of much older Greek works, there can be found evidence that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were not only advanced, but known as places of great wisdom and learning.


These were not primitive warfaring cultures, but rather people of learning and the arts. So how did such a terrible thing happen to them? One writer suggested that they simply got on the wrong side of a much larger conflict between two regions. They were caught in the middle and were bombed into oblivion.


The destruction in these cities went beyond even the damage a volcano might cause. While volcanic ash will burn and bury a city, it can leave stone structures intact as with the City of Pompeii, under Mt. Vesuvius, Italy.


Everything in Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim and Zoar was turned to ash. Only the foundations of the buildings remain. In one of the cities was found the shape of a mound which may have been a ziggurat, common among the cities of ancient Sumer.


According to research by writer Zecharia Sitchin, the written record indicates that the war was between Enki and Enlil, sons of the Sumerian god, Anu, who battled for supremacy in about 2000 BC. Enlil’s son Marduk was apparently the one that used a nuclear weapon to destroy the five cities as well as the Sumerian Civilization, which was downwind of the radioactive fallout.


If you recall, Marduk was the name of the king of Babylon and the bastard son of the first world emperor, identified in the Bible as Nimrod. Can it be that Nimrod's offspring and Enlil are the same person?


What tangled webs we weave as we dig through the corrupted records of ancient history.

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