The Mind of James Donahue

That Final Conflict

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Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog Prophecy


By James Donahue

August 11, 2005


A Montana writer linked the joint military exercises last week between Russian and Chinese troops with the Old Testament prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel that pits the forces of Gog and Magog against Israel in the end times.


This is one of the great fallacies in the Christian Bible, that Israel is the center of the world, that the Israelis are the chosen people of God, and that the final apocalyptic battle will be focused on that little dot of a nation in the Middle East.


As we have noted many times in past articles, the Bible is full of distorted prophecy and half-truths that paint a blurred picture of what is really going to happen to mankind at the end of time.


And by that, I am speaking of the end of the human time on this planet. That end is fast approaching . . . not because it was ordained by a power from above . . . but because too many humans believed it will happen. They are unwittingly making it come true with their minds. Christians are programmed to want the final conflict to happen because they believe they will benefit from the outcome.


In truth, they are being led like sheep into a slaughterhouse and they have no idea what lies in store for them.


The news clipping, a story by Bill Wilson, notes that the joint military maneuvers will be history-making because it will be the first time that the armies of both China and Russia have ever come together peacefully in preparation for warfare against a common enemy.


Wilson uses Biblical resource information to suggest that the names Gog and MaGog are references to Russia and China, and turns to the 38th Chapter of Ezekiel to identify that common enemy as Israel.


Joining forces will be Persia, Ethopia, Libya, Gomer and the house of Togamah. Persia is the old name for Iran, Gomer is the old name for Germany and Togamah is a name for the Turks, or Turkey. In other words, the Arabs and some European countries will be involved in this battle.


The writer of Ezekiel quotes what he believed to be the voice of God saying: “I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armor, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. . .


“And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army. And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land, it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.”


If we grasp the particles of truth from these lines, and omit the story about these great armies sweeping down on God’s chosen people in Israel, we can get a bitter concept of what is really going to happen.


This is a vague description of the final World War. But instead of horses, the soldiers are riding in armored vehicles and aircraft. Instead of swords they carry guns and bombs. They meet in a battlefield that will likely encompass the entire planet, since this war will be mostly fought in the seas, in the air and by intercontinental ballistic missile strikes. And as the bombs fall . . . especially the nuclear bombs . . . a cloud will indeed cover the land.


The horror behind those military exercises going on among Russian and Chinese soldiers is that they are not preparing to strike Israel at all. That could not be further from their minds. The leaders of these two great armies have another more challenging target in mind. It is the United States.


Psychic Aaron C. Donahue warns that China and the United States will be the main forces that do battle, mostly over dwindling natural world resources, during this final world conflict. But he warns that such a war does not need to be fought, and should not be fought, if mankind is going to have any chance to continue on for very much longer.


Donahue also warns that the Earth is dying, and that a nuclear war like the one he foresees in this conflict, will only speed this death.


If it happens, the human life support system on this planet will be greatly diminished within the next 30 years, he warns. 


Donahue also said it is a big mistake for people to assume there is a single chosen race of people living on this planet. "That is a racist concept. We are all chosen and 'Israel' is not what most people are led to believe it is.


"In terms of the vernacular, Israel is defined as a people chosen by God," Donahue said. "Again, we are all chosen, and this god exists within each and every one of us.


"Also, the temple is not a specific physical place. We are the temple. The temple will be resurrected prior to the return of the human progenitor if we are successful," Donahue said.


Just because angelic forces put this great conflict in the minds of the Christians as the means to bring about the return of a false god figure, does not mean it must occur. There needs to be a shift in thought, or this war cannot be stopped, he said.

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