A revised interpretation of human origins

William Blake's Elohim |
The "Gods" Of Creation
The Book Of Genesis, in original Hebrew text, opens with the words: "In the beginning Elohim created the
Heaven and the Earth." So who or what is Elohim?
The Many Names Of God
The ancient Hebrew text includes a variety of names for the creator, suggesting that there were multiple gods.
Does this support the story that we were created by a Luciferian race of alien visitors?
"In The Beginning . . . "
The first three words in the Book of Genesis, if correct, establish that our three-dimensional world and all
of the things on it had a beginning, and therefore will have an end.
The Creation
The universe we can observe offers
dramatic proof that it is alive, in constant movement and growth, or creation. There also is a definitive age of the stars
followed by their death.
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Patterns In Building A Solar System
Contemporary astronomers theorize that a region at the center of our galaxy acts something like the marrow
in our bones, constantly creating new cells that replace dying cells throughout the body. But in the galaxy, there is a constant
action of new star formation as old stars burn out and turn into supernovas, spewing their energy and particles back into
space. Click For Story
The Living Planet Earth
To understand the
origins of life must recognize our planet as a living, sentient being. The Native Americans call her the Mother Earth,
and they are correct.
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The Creation Of Adam And Eve
Even the elusive Bible story hints that the origins of man have Luciferian origins. The translaters did their
best to hide the truth, but a few bits of information slipped through the cracks.
And Ye Shall Be As God
The story of how Satan disguised himself
as a beautiful serpent that tempted Eve into disobeying God and eating of fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
is the foundation of the false doctrine known as Christianity. Find out what really happened.
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In The Image Of Lucifer
The ancient Book of Enoch, Legend of Gilgimesh and even the Book of Genesis support the story that an alien force
visited Earth and planted Lucifer's DNA in planet primates, creating the first humans.
The Vapor Canopy Over The Garden
evidence exists to suggest that the Earth once was sheltered by a thick blanket of a moist vapor that assured a perfect environment
for life. There also exists evidence of a world flood, possibly caused when this canopy collapsed. The problem is, scientists
can't agree on how it happened.
The Canopy Paradox Resolved
The major earth changes, extinctions of the dinosaurs, massive flooding and glacial periods were caused by a
bombardment of a cluster of large asteroids from deep space. Aaron C. Donahue explains how it happened.
Solving The Mystery Of The Human Soul
Created by the Mother Earth from the earth, and given the DNA of Lucifer, we are the most amazing creatures
to ever walk the face of this planet. But we have forgotten our purpose.
Cain And Abel; Did They Exist?
The story of Cain and Abel, allegedly
the first sons of Adam and Eve, is a record of the first known murder in human history. It also marks the first human
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What Happened To The
Longevity Of Methuselah?
It is well known, probably even among
non-Bible scholars, that a man in the Old Testament named Methuselah lived a record 969 years, making him the oldest recorded
human in the history of the human race.
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Enoch And The Antediluvians
The oldest surviving records about
the pre-flood era . . . known as the antediluvian period . . .are mostly found in the Book of Genesis, the Epic of Gilgamesh,
and the Book of Enoch. They talk of giants and gods from the sky. What really happened?
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An Examination Of The
Story Of Noah
Of all the miracle accounts in the
Bible, the story of Noah and the ark he built, so a remnant of humans and living creatures could escape cataclysmic events,
has survived scholarly efforts of disproval. Just what happened at
that distant time in the past, and why it occurred, remains a mystery.
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The First World Emperor Nimrod
A great grandson of Noah, Nimrod was the son of Cush,
who in turn was the firstborn son of Ham. He is credited with founding the kingdom of Babel,
and undoubtedly founding the great Cities of Babel and possibly Nineveh.
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The Original Mother Of God
There are several versions of how Semiramis got to be the declared mother of god. One of them said that after
the death of Nimrod, Semiramis bore a son, Tammuz. Since she could not have conceived the child from the dead Nimrod, she
proclaimed it to have been a miracle conception and that Tammuz was Marduk reborn. Click For Story
The Days Of Peleg
Peleg, a fifth generation descendant
of Noah, is briefly mentioned in the tenth chapter of the Book of Genesis: “And
unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name
was Joktan.” What does this mean?
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That Strange Tower Of Babel Story
This ancient tale from the pages of
the Book of Genesis has perplexed many Bible scholars because it doesn’t seem to make sense. It appears to be an attempt to explain why humans were spread all over the world, and emerged with so many
different cultures, languages and races after springing from the same root. But there is more to this story than meets the
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How Did Human Racial
Diversification Happen?
If the Tower of
Babel story is incorrect and a mythological god didn’t magically
change humans into a hodge-podge of unique races with different skin color, language and general bodily appearance, how did
it happen?
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Abram In The Ancient City Of Ur
Was there really a man named Abraham that
emerged from the ancient land of the Chaldees to become the progenitor of the Hebrew and Palestinian people?
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Abram's Chariot Ride From Ur
The Crowley Troth Chariot Card depicts
Abram dressed in armor and carrying the Ark of the Covenant in his arms. What is the meaning of this?
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What Really Happened At Sodom And Gomorrah?
Everything in Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim and Zoar was turned to ash. Only the foundations of the buildings
remain. In one of the cities was found the shape of a mound which may have been a ziggurat, common among the cities of ancient
Sumer. It was not fire and brimstone,
but something much worse that occurred here.
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Ezekiel’s Gog and
Magog Prophecy
A Montana writer linked the joint
military exercises recently between Russian and Chinese troops with the Old Testament prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel that
pits the forces of Gog and Magog against Israel
in the end times. What is the real story?
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