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Deadly Connection Found Between MS And Excitotoxins


By James Donahue


Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, the neurosurgeon who blew the whistle on the excitotoxins Aspartame and monosodium glutamate, has now exposed a new link with the brain disease Muscular Sclerosis (MS).


In a paper recently published on the web, Blaylock said a current review of scientific studies has disclosed "a pathophysiological mechanism" that explains the way the artificial sweetener Aspartame brings on this disabling disease in the brain.


In his book, "The Taste That Kills," Blalock coined the word "excitotoxins" because he said these two food additives "excite" brain neurons due to their chemical similarity to neurotransmitters found in the body. The chemicals turn into dangerous and addictive compounds that kill brain cells.


People enjoy the effect they get from excitotoxins because it produces a slight rush. For a brief time the brain speeds up and the user finds himself or herself thinking more clearly and reacting more sharply. But this rush caused by the chemicals is stimulating the neural cells in our brains to death.


In his book, Blaylock linked excitotoxins to numerous brain disorders ranging from cancer, stroke, and high blood pressure to Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and even Alzheimer's disease. He said he also suspected links to arthritis, lung and reproduction disorders, plus allergic reactions.


The frightening part of this story is that both MSG and aspartame are so widely used, especially in prepared foods sold in grocery stores and restaurants, it is difficult to find foods in the United States that do not contain either one or the other, and sometimes both additives mixed in with the ingredients. The Food and Drug Administration approved these products as safe for public consumption.


In his report, Blaylock noted that as early as 1996 it was known that MS lesions produced in the myelin sheath of axons were related to excitatory receptors on the primary cells called oligodendroglia. He said new studies now confirm what was suspected. That is the loss of myelin sheath on the nerve fibers are due to the death of the oligodendroglial cells at the site of the lesions, or plaques. Also, he said it has been found that the death of these cells is caused by excessive exposure to excitotoxins.


"When aspartame is combined in the diet with monosodium glutamate, (excitotoxin) blood levels are several fold higher than normal," Blaylock said. He warned that such exposure "can greatly magnify the damage produced in multiple sclerosis."


"Of equal concern is observation that we know that about 10 percent of the population (based on autopsy studies of elderly) have MS lesions without ever developing the full blown disease, a condition called benign MS," Blaylock writes. But he said a diet high in aspartame or MSG "can convert this benign, subclinical condition into full-blown clinical MS.


"Once the MS becomes full-blown, further consumption of exitotoxins magnifies the toxicity, increasing disability and death," the report said.


Blaylock warns that "even single exposures to these food-based excitotoxins can produce prolonged worsening of neurological lesions."


Avoiding these toxins in our food, and even in certain soaps, shampoos and body lotions, is difficult because they are often disguised.


According to information supplied by Leading Edge International Research Group, a data collection organization, food manufacturers skillfully hide MSG behind many ingredient names that are printed on food packages. The names include: gelatin, calcium caseinate, textured protein, sodium caseinate, yeast nutrient, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed protein, carrageenan, maltodextrin, malt extract, natural food flavoring, bouillon, natural chicken flavoring, natural beef flavoring, broth, ultra-pasteurized, soy sauce extract, whey protein concentrate, pectin, and anything protein fortified, containing flavorings, enzyme modified, or seasoned.

Leading Edge also claims MSG reactions have been reported in soaps, shampoo, hair conditioners and cosmetics. In these products MSG is hidden in ingredients that include the words "hydrolyzed" and "amino acids," the report said.

An organization called Truth in Advertising also is expressing concerns that since 1997, farmers are even spraying MSG on growing vegetables, grains and fruit, although the reason seems unclear. The group suggests that the spraying may be going on so the industry can "propagate the fiction that MSG occurs naturally in food."

MSG, which has been around since its invention at the turn of the century, has been popular because of its ability to enhance the flavors in soups and other foods. It also covers taste in spoiling foods, thus gaining a false reputation as a food preservative.


The Blaylock report notes that certain vitamins and minerals are natural defenders against the effects of excitotoxins. He said silymarin, curcumin and Advil calm the microglia. Phosphatidylcholine, B12, B6, B1, vitamin D, folate, vitamin C, Natural vitamin E and L-carnitine help repair damaged nerve sheaths. "Vitamin D may even prevent MS, but it acts as an immune modulater, preventing further damage," he said.


Blaylock recommends 2000 IU of Vitamin D plus a dose of 500 mg of Magnesium malate, twice daily.


MS patients are advised to avoid all excitotoxins, "even natural ones in foods such as soy, red meats, nuts, mushrooms and tomatoes. Avoid all fluoride and especially all vaccinations."



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