Looking at the World Through Rose Colored Glasses
Reality for most people today is unbearable.
We are surrounded by a polluted world. It is polluted not only by toxic waste that has affected
the soil that grows our food and oceans where life had its origins, but it fills the air we breathe. Noise invades our solitude.
Radio, telephone, television, microwave, low frequency military H.A.A.R.P. (mind control?) signals and ultraviolet rays constantly
bombard our space.
There is no peace. It is impossible to spend a few minutes of quiet meditation without climbing
a mountain, dropping deep down into a cave, or surrounding our bodies with metal and sound proofing materials thick enough
to stop the assault. Try it and somebody will start up a power lawnmower, a siren will go off, a vehicle with a loud muffler
will pass, or dogs will bark.
We live in pain. It can be physical pain, which comes from disease, physical combat or accidental
injury. It also can be mental pain, from the effects of our daily contact with other humans, our jobs and all of the problems
listed above.
We live in fear. Most of this emotion is of our own making. We have created a religious system that
generates fear. We live among alien life forms that feed on the emotions generated by fear. Thus it is that we are programmed
from the time we are little children to be afraid.
We fear the unknown. We fear darkness. We fear failure. We
fear each other. And most of all, we fear death. The older people get the more fear-bound we seem to be.
A most sorry lot we have turned out to be.
The few moments of splendor that make the adrenaline rush, the dopamine pump and the hearts race
dont come very often for us, but when they do, we suddenly know that enduring all of the suffering is worth it, just for these
We wish for more great moments in our life.
Many of us resort to artificial ways to get it. Some people buy expensive new things like cars,
boats or houses, but that rush only lasts a few hours before the reality of the payments they are committed to sinks in.
is the reason narcotics and alcohol are so popular. We go to any lengths to get these things, while at the same time the social
programs our society has created go to great lengths to take them away from us. We make laws making
the possession and use of the pain killing effects of marijuana, the cocoa leaf, certain mushrooms and the poppy flower punishable
by jail and stiff fines. An attempt to ban alcohol in the 1930s was such a failure this law was repealed, but the punishments
for consumption of this brain-killing drug in public places can be steep.
The argument by the church and righteous social "do-gooders" is that these drugs harm our physical
bodies and make us dangerous to our fellow man. Therefore, they reason, everybody must suffer during this walk through life
without an artificial means of escape. They even went so far as to put Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the so-called "suicide doctor,"
in prison because he was offering people with incurable illness and pain an early way out.
In our creativity, however, it seems that mankind has either discovered (or been purposefully furnished)
an alternative and still legal way of hiding from reality. Instead of breaking the law by smoking marijuana, sniffing cocaine,
or feeling the rush of amphetamine, we are opting to make our escape by having our doctors prescribe rose colored glasses.
You know what I mean. We are all rushing to the pharmacy to buy antidepressant drugs. They are called
Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Lovan, Luvox, Effexor, Serzone and Anafranil to name a few.
Pop just one pill a day and suddenly everything seems cheery. The little things dont bother us anymore.
And big problems seem very little in their scope.
George Orwell predicted the arrival of this pill in his prophetic novel 1984. Those of you who read
this book remember that the people had to take their daily dose of a drug that made them happy. It helped get them through
a malignant existence under total slavery in an overcrowded world.
That pill is here and people by the droves are gulping it down.
Even children.
Child psychologists are pumping mind-altering drugs into our kids as if it were candy. It is good,
they say, for overactive children, treating learning disorders, and all kinds of behavioral problems. And anybody who has
raised children know that they misbehave. So why not dope them up? It doesnt seem to harm them and it makes them docile so
they are easy to control.
In the old days (when my wife and I were parenting) people used the television to keep children
occupied most of the day. Our generation turned them into couch potatoes at an early age.
But something odd is happening in our society and I think it may be Prozac-related.
Adults are behaving like zombies while our world falls apart. There is nobody willing to step up
to take charge now that the chips are down. The masses are happily asleep, with no clue what's about to come down on their
This, I believe, is why our controlled society is promoting the use of these types of drugs. The
controllers want us stupefied. It makes the job of controlling us easier.
But there is something else that is happening that should be observed as an ominous warning. Some
of our people, even our children, are going unexpectedly berserk. They are shooting up schools. They are shooting each other.
They are shooting their parents and their teachers. They are shooting people in public places. They are driving buses filled
with people off cliffs and into oncoming semi-trucks.
My theory about all of this is that some people are still sensitive to reality. If not consciously,
at least subconsciously they know that society is in very big trouble. The Earth is overpopulated and a large number of people
must be eliminated in some way or none of us will live very much longer. There are not enough resources on our planet to feed,
clothe and shelter everyone and we are soon going to be killing each other over the spoils.
These people who kill also may understand that our society is possessed by an alien life force that
most people like to call guardian angels. And they understand that these aliens are not guardians at all. They have a secret
agenda that is quickly bringing about the downfall of the human race.
It is out of frustration that they kill.
They dont know what else to do.
We must blame ourselves for this condition. As a society we have been happy to let these outside
forces go right on controlling our every move. And our moves are now becoming deadly. If we dont wake up and start fighting
back, we could the end of the human race within our lifetime.
I have written many times about angels. I proclaim them to be alien invaders and not special beings
sent by God to look after us. Angels and another fourth dimensional aliens have been manipulating our lives for thousands
of years. We cannot see, touch or smell the angels, but they are always around us. And they have the ability to put thoughts
into our heads.
Do you really want to trust a being that looks like a tall, skinny bat, that hangs around you constantly,
controlling your thoughts and feeding on your personal fears?
I have learned something interesting about angels. They dont like harsh emotions because they are
as sensitive to our thoughts as we are to theirs. We have the power to kill angels with our minds. I believe it may be the
angels who are promoting the drugs that keep us sedated. Also they like us under control. There is nothing better than fear
to keep people controlled.
My advice? Throw away your pills and rejoin society. Perhaps if we all get collectively angry enough,
we can drive the invaders from our planet. Once they are gone, we might have a chance of saving ourselves and restoring the
Mother Earth.