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Civilization Threatens
Famed Nazca Lines Of By James Donahue The encroachment of both
man and machine, even on the high and barren plains of Featured in books, magazines
and television documentaries, the Nazca Lines, or geoglyphs, remain a contemporary mystery. Many speculate they are ancient
landing sites for aliens. That they include both long straight lines and large images of animals, insects and birds, visible
only from the air, supports the belief that whatever their intention, it is a message for an intelligent entity that looks
down at the markings from above. Similar lines have been
found all over the world, but the Nazca geoglyphs remain the most revered because of their numbers, the fact that they spread
out over 400 square miles, and that they are in a flat dry place where they have remained well preserved. The Nazca plain, located
south of The place has been considered
so historically important it is included in the United Nations World Heritage list. For the last half century it was carefully
guarded against vandalism by the late German mathematician Maria Reich. But since her death in 1998, the encroachment has
gone unchecked. One of the biggest problems
has been truckers cutting across the zone to either avoid a Peruvian government weigh station on a nearby highway or find
a short cut, an Associated Press story said. Destruction also is coming
from tourists that come to visit the site, leaving garbage and trash. A boom in copper and gold mining, including a mine built
a few feet from a two-mile-long trapezoid, is bringing truck traffic that is defacing many of the lines. Advertisers have literally
carved huge messages in the rock and even the earth between the ancient designs. Utility companies are
stringing power cables over and around the site. The AP story said a recent
fly-over and series of aerial photos of the area revealed that the traffic has severely scarred the lines and animal figures.
The pictures, published in local newspapers, have stirred the ire of The promises by governments,
however, are often ineffective. The problem is overpopulation and a total disregard by most people for the preservation of
historical treasures. The ancient markings in the earth mean nothing to the dim witted clogs that now inhabit this planet. That these ancient lines
in the soil show proof of an ancient link with an alien race of beings . . . possibly our Luciferian creators . . . means
nothing to them. The Catholic implanted angelic entities that inhabit their bodies would like nothing less than the total
erasure of all evidence of the truth as left by the ancients. |