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Greyhound A Victim Of
American Shortsightedness By James Donahue I have mixed feelings
when I read that Greyhound is cutting bus line services and attempting to recover millions of dollars in losses caused by
dwindling business and rising fuel costs. Greyhound has been a
poorly run service for a long time. Personal experiences attempting to travel by bus, and by relatives who used Greyhound, have
been terrible. Yet if there is a time when According to reports,
Greyhound lost $111.5 million in 2002, and another $2.8.9 million last year. Greyhound customers have fallen off by 40 percent
since 1980. The Greyhound rates have
always been inviting. You can travel across the country on a bus for a very good price. And for many older baby boomers, who
dislike driving long distances for reasons of age, income and health, the concept of leaving the driving to Greyhound should
sound inviting. It did for me a few years
back. Shortly after going into an early (company incentive) retirement from one of the Gannett chain newspapers, I had an
opportunity to go from Michigan to visit a daughter in Savannah, Georgia. I immediately considered Greyhound. At the time
the bus line was offering travel anywhere in the The idea sounded good,
so I drove to Fortunately, Anybody who has ever
caught a bus at Greyhound’s I turned in my ticket
and asked for my money back. The woman at the counter was not kind. She said I would have to send a receipt, which she prepared,
to Greyhound and that a check would be issued. I sent the receipt, and the company never paid. They said the stub was invalid.
In other words, either Greyhound, or that ticket agent, ripped me off. That did not leave a
good taste in my mouth. As a writer with a number of outlets, I succeeded in doing as much damage to Greyhound as possible
in those days. Needless to say, I flew
to While I have negative
thoughts about the line, I have always thought that an extensive ground public transportation system for the That requires federal
dollars. If we had spent just a portion of the money the Bush Administration has already wasted on an unnecessary push to
start a world war and bring back Jesus, we could be well on our way to having this kind of bus and train system. We need smooth new rails
to carry high speed trains from coast to coast. We need terminals located in safe, well lighted places with lots of lighting
and police protection for customers. We need government subsidies
so the seniors and the poor can travel within their means. Instead, we are watching,
almost uncaring, as Greyhound begins to fold. And we tore up the old rusted railroad tracks, and sold the right-of-way for
public bike trails, years ago. Shame on us for our shortsightedness. |