The Mind of James Donahue Carta Marina |
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470-Year-Old Map Astounds
Scientists By James Donahue It is known as the Carta
Marina, an ancient map drawn by Swedish cartographer Olaus Magnus in 1539 that accurately depicts the Oceanographers at Plymouth
Marine Laboratory and the University of Rhode Island were recently surprised when they discovered that swirls drawn on the
map by that 16th Century artist correspond almost perfectly with thermal eddies caused by the Gulf Stream passing
the cold waters of the arctic. While the existence of
these eddies, known as the Iceland-Faroes Front, have been known by mariners for hundreds of years, their location in That Olaus Magnus, a
Swedish priest living in exile from his own land in Italy, captured the exact location of the front with what appeared to
be artistic sweeps of his pen, appears more than mere coincidence, suggests Professor Tom Rossby at the University of Rhode
Island. “Their location,
size and spacing seem to deliberate to be purely artistic expression. Nowhere else on the chart do these whorls appear in
such a systematic fashion,” Rossby said. “They are the earliest known description of large scale eddies in the
ocean. These are large bodies of water that turn slowly. It seems the lines were deliberately drawn to aid navigation.” For a map maker/priest
who apparently had no personal knowledge of the sea, the Carta Marina was amazingly accurate for its time. The work took 12
years to complete and it shows towns, lakes, regions and lands with proportions that are unexpectedly correct. For example, the map
shows the Baltic Sea, the While the creation of
an amazingly accurate map by an artist working in a room somewhere in The work of Olaus Magnus
was a right-brain function. It proves in a dramatic way that humans have always had the ability to use their minds to gather
information from the collective unconscious library of all human knowledge. This man did not need
to sail the length and breadth of the All that was necessary
was for the artist to tap into the collective while his pen was busily drawing what he saw in his mind. What he did was an
early version of contemporary remote viewing. The amazing story here
is that he could accomplish what he did in |