The Mind of James Donahue SETI Is Missing Something |
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“If Aliens Exist
. . . “ By James Donahue They show themselves
almost daily now as their ships are seen in the sky. They not only walk among us, both in physical and spiritual form, they
also are inhabiting our bodies and causing us to do their will. Yet our clueless scientific
community . . . ever sticking to established scientific principles . . . fails to see or understand the evidence of their
presence. I am writing about intelligent
life from other stars . . . other places in the universe. I am talking about the entities we refer to as aliens. I have met these spiritual
beings face to face during exploits out of the body. I have done battle with angels. Psychic remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue
has examined and drawn each of the 72 Goetia Spirits (demons) and found them to be intelligent alien life from other worlds.
Their ships flit through both the night and daytime sky. We have seen them. Many have been photographed. I must shake my head
when I read stories about efforts by astronomers and researchers for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) to identify
intelligent radio signals transmitted from the stars. The SETI program, over
100 workers with a band of massive radio receivers turned to the sky from the high Seth Shostak, senior
astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, recently said he is confident that intelligent life . . . “if
any exists” . . . will be found within the next 20 years. That is because Shostak
and his team are using computers to analyze the sounds of 100 billion stars in the Milky Way. They believe it will take that
long for the high speed machines to examine and analyze signals from so many places. I must ask if these people
are as dumb as this sounds, or if they have simply found themselves a comfortable job in the system that promises to keep
operating somewhat indefinitely. While SETI is a non-profit
organization, it gets funding from such tax and public funded places as NASA, the US Department of Energy, the US Geological
Survey, the National Science Foundation, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, International Astronomical Union, Thus we have the makings
of a shadow bureaucracy. And I wager there isn’t a person on that staff, or on that board of directors, who dares to
suggest that the Christian angelic agenda is a load of bunk, that angels and demons are aliens, and that their ships are being
seen in our skies. To say such a thing would
quickly crash that nice little nest. The “Christian” oriented public funding would be cut off and SETI would be
shut down. Even though some of the
people in SETI might really suspect something is amiss, they are keeping their mouths shut. Why spoil a good thing while it
lasts? The truth, however, will
soon be known. |