The Mind of James Donahue Armageddon Connection |
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The Threat Of War With
By James Donahue While engrossed in our
little war on terrorism in the Middle East, and following the campaign for the next presidential election, the American media
seems to be overlooking a looming crisis building in the The recent re-election
by a narrow margin of Democratic Progressive Party Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to a new was a move by voters to follow
this Christian-oriented leader in an effort to assert Why should we be concerned
about this obscure election by an island country on the other side of the world? Chinese leadership considers
On the other hand, President
George W. Bush has publicly announced that the While maintaining an
apparent friendly trade relationship with the Not only does The story said A Pentagon report in
May said The report said that
submarine construction is now a top priority for Psychic and remote viewer
Aaron C. Donahue has long been warning of a looming war with In a recent warning posted
on his blog, Donahue renewed his warning about a looming war with “A very powerful
fear-based Armageddon culture of Christianity will be a factor within the national elections of the “Now that the world
faces peak-oil production, fantastic weather changes, human overpopulation and increased industrialization, it must struggle
with two nuclear superpower nations of radically opposing ideologies that will undoubtedly fight for what resources remain
during the inevitable course of a global ecological collapse,” Donahue wrote. He noted that strong
economic ties currently exist between “Conflicts associated
with the Christian culture of Armageddon are often muddied with political consequences that are easily manipulated to hide
a basic truth. What will occur according to man’s spiritual ignorance is a matter of justice,” Donahue said. |