The Mind of James Donahue Fish, Maggots And Frogs |
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If You Think This Weather
Is Strange By James Donahue Some years back, while
scouring old microfilm records of newspapers from The But the stories get even
stranger than that. The late Charles Fort
gained fame at about the turn of the century for spending hours studying old newspaper files and collecting reports of such
oddities as frogs, fish, grain, snakes, ants, worms, cinders, salt and vegetable matter falling out of the sky. His books
are filled with stories of these and other unexplained events. On July 12, 1873, Scientific
American reported a fall of frogs during a storm at Arthur C. Clarke, in
his book Mysterious World, told of a fall of hazelnuts in Australian naturalist
Gilbert Whitley listed about 50 different rains of fish in his country in a 1972 article published in Australian Natural History. This writer vividly remembers
driving at night in a Mel Goldstein, chief
meteorologist at a Scientific minds attempt
to explain away these odd events with suggestions that they are caused by tornados or waterspouts that draw things into the
sky before dropping them elsewhere. But Clarke’s book
quotes William R. Corliss, who disputes such theories in his book: Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena. Corliss notes that the
windstorm appears capable of selecting “only a single species of fish or frog or whatever animal is on the menu for
that day.” Corliss also argues that when falls like this happen, everything dropped seems to be of the same size, and
that there is no debris like sand or plant material falling with it. After preparing this
story comes a new report of a fall of fish at the They said the storm abated
and they dashed out on the pier to locate minnow traps they left there. That is when the fish, cold and icy, started falling
all around them. Perez said she thought the fall occurred within an area only about 20 feet in diameter. |