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She Waits For Her Death Comatose By Opulance, Dying From Ignorace... We Wait To Be Told What To Think Stude022 What did they do with our country? I do not recognize
this place.
Where are the patriots to fight tyranny? Where is the
outrage for this arrogance and disconnect to reality? Where is the attention one would expect from machinations that point
to corruption?
Lies, secrets, wars that make no sense; cover-ups and
character assassinations directed at any and all who tell the truth. Is this the
The light of liberty is slowly diminishing and soon may
die. We are the blessed of the world, the envy of the globe. Yet quickly we are becoming the perceived bully on the block.
Our forefathers warned us about this tyrannical lying
governments that was their worst fear! Ben Franklin said: "If your government asks you to trade freedom for security, overthrow
that government."
Thomas Jefferson said: "Dissent is the highest form of
patriotism." Bush said screw you it's none of our business. We slumber in collective repose, happy with our comfortable
lifestyle, watching news that does not offend, listening to people who manipulate and drag us further down the drain. Stymied
by apathy unwilling to listen to the other side, yet willing to let those that lead us away from freedom tell us what to think.
This new control mechanism is vast and pervasive; we shut
out all the voices that stand apart and point out the lies and cover ups. These true patriots are ignored or called "anti-American,"
when in truth they are the only ones our forefathers would recognize.
Citizens' first duty in a Democracy is to be informed
and point out the inconsistencies we see all around us.
As a citizen of this country I feel saddened by our misguided
direction I see people saying, "Who cares about our rights? We are at war. Let them have no-knock secret
searches of homes without a warrant. I have nothing to hide, so who cares?"
These are the very things the founders were troubled over,
and it is here and growing worse daily. 9/11 was a wake up call and we got out on the wrong side of the bed.
Instead of asking how could this happen to the most secure
and militarily advanced country in the world, we surrender to lies that make little sense. Why? Because it is easier to ignore
the truth and go with the official story then to probe and discern the truth.
Our cushy lifestyle leaves us willing to let the corrupt
be the guides to our future. What happened to the minute riders and zealous leaders for freedom? Where are the true patriots
who see where we are heading? They are present, but we silence them at every turn. Perhaps this is what we deserve if we are
reluctant to wake up and smell the stink of corruption.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse
to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do,
by the grace of God, I will do." ---Edward Everett Hale