The Mind of James Donahue Our Worst Nightmare |
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Triggering Terrorism In Our Back Yard Even though we presently are located many miles apart, psychic remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue and
I shared the same image April 7 when we saw and heard news reports of American troops firing on a Sunni Mosque in Iraqi's
embattled City of I envisioned an event like this as a trigger that launches an all-out jihad by Moslim people of all
sects against the Aaron was so struck by the event he chose to write of it on his Internet Blog page. The message awaiting
the world the next morning included the following: "Today within He continued with a prediction that this event will insure that terrorism will come to Donahue writes: "The majority of individual choices are now complete and a highly probably future
as seen within the next few months does involve terrorist activity within the "The exact location, time and method of terror can be determined, although I am no longer working
on projects like this. I will no longer post information concerning (terrorist attacks) and it will happen as it may," he
said. Even though the data no longer appears on Aaron's active
web site at, anyone with a link to one of his older sites showing information about the next terrorist attack in
Donahue says he stands by that data. He wrote: "My terrorist data as posted earlier will happen,
and when it does, I will compare the photos of the event to that of my data. Feedback photos and analysis are an important
part of viewing future events. "What I have come to learn is that the majority of Americans
will not listen nor will they understand my data until it is too late. I am now comfortable with this knowing that it is also
a form of justice." Donahue's message also includes the following: "As I have stated earlier,
the world will be facing some hard times within the next few months leading to the "I do feel that "The majority of Americans
today appear mentally ill and are obsessed with a fear based religion of puritanical morality, death, and suffering," Donahue
writes. |