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That Strange Number 11 By James Donahue Students of numerology have been fascinated by the strange
way the number 11 has been playing in world events, especially since 9-11 and now again with the terrorist assault in There is an interesting piece floating around on the web
these days that originated on the Anomalist site, by Ben Cal. In it, I am even beginning to think that the energy that controls
our world and our universe is making a big joke out of what we perceive as tragedy and horror. The By sheer coincidence, the deadly terrorist train bombings in Number 11 has indeed been hounding humanity since the infamous 9-11 attacks nearly three years ago. Consider this: The date of the attack was September 11 or 9 + 1 + 1 = 11, and to think that September
11 has 9 letters and 2 numbers: 9+2=11, and the number 911 is the telephone number for emergencies in the Likewise, September 11 is the 254th day of the year and to add the numbers 2, 5, 4 the total sum is 11. And
after September 11 there are 111 days left until the end of the year. Terrorists used an unconventional method in attacking There's more to it on the bizarre No. 11. The terrorists hijacked the first plane with Flight AA11 and the targets
were the double 11, twin towers. Four of the hijackers on board flight AA11 have the initials A. A. which when translated to number is 11. The Website Yahoo also confirmed that the fifth AA11 hijacker was the pilot named Mohamed Atta whose name has
11 letters. The plane was carrying 92 persons. When added, 9 plus 2 equals 11. The ill-fated plane had 11 crew members 2 pilots
and 9 flight attendants. The first tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. that fateful day of September 11, 2001. When added 1+0+2+8=11. The first
fire truck to arrive at the scene was firetruck, No. 11. The firetruck lost 11 firemen combating the blaze and the It is on record that the twin towers continued burning for 99 days before it was extinguished and multiplying
9 by 11 equals 99. Topping it all, On the other hand, the plane that hit the Pentagon was United Airlines Flight 77 with 65 people on board. Again,
6 + 5 is 11. The prime suspect in the 9-11 attacks was Osama bin Laden whose birthplace is The first man who orchestrated the attack on WTC in 1993 was Ramzi Yousef whose also has 11 letters. Number 11 is indeed significant. Consider these significant historical events: World War I ended on the 11th
hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month. The first man to land on the moon was aboard Apollo 11. Ancient superstitious beliefs say Number 11 has been associated with mystery and power for thousands of years.
Indeed it has. In the Tarot deck, the number 11 represents Lust. The
Crowley Tarot card portrays the figure of a nude woman riding on the back of a seven-headed lion. The heads portray that of
an angel, saint, poet, adulteress, warrior, satyr and lion-serpent. The woman holds the reins to the beast in her left hand,
signifying the passion with which she is attached to the creature. In her right hand she holds aloft a cup that flames with
both love and death. In the cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon. It also represents the impregnated
womb. Notice that the Biblical beast that rises from the sea
has seven heads. Under the feet of the beast are the bodies of fallen martyrs. There are other interpretations of the Tarot that need
to be considered. The element fire is said to rule the Lust card. The old
name for this card was Strength. The sun is a symbol of the element Fire and Strength. Also the astrological correspondent
to the card is Leo the Lion. The corresponding Hebrew letter is Teth, or the serpent.
Small wonder the terrorists like to make their mark with the number 11. I also found the following by Lady Shyra: |