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New laws are being written daily, but governments rarely
purge old laws. Thus there is a collection of thousands and thousands of laws on the books. In the Slack On the Job I thought writing about slacking off at the workplace would be difficult.
I come from a family of hard workers. After a careful examination of social customs, however, I
realize that slacking off on the job is an American tradition. It is an unspoken way of life. It even brings rewards. If done
correctly, it is a wonderful tool for fighting the system.
Paying For Room And Board In Jail I have noticed a trend in recent years for counties to charge jail
inmates for their beds and meals while being held against their will. The practice grew as a way to generate
extra cash as hard economic times caused the tax revenues feeding government coffers dwindled. But there is a way to fight
the system. The Great Money Lie There has been a story making the rounds on the net about a research
study at some unnamed and obscure university that claims people can't enjoy money that they don't earn with their own hard
labor. That old saw has been flying for years and the masses . . . those that work as slaves for the rich
. . . have bought it hook, line and sinker. |