The Mind of James Donahue A Slippery Slope |
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With all of the saber rattling and war threats coming out of the White House I wonder if it has
occurred to Bush the Junior that the United States might lose if it launches first strike military confrontations against the world.
Various ugly scenarios float around in my mind as I watch the insane drama unfold against Iraq.
That he would justify such an attack with the irrational "let's get them before they get us" suggests that our president is
suffering from paranoia.
An excellent editorial comment by writers Bill Burkett and Mike Hersh, in the Online Journal warns about the "slippery slope" Mr. Bush wants to lead us into. They write: "History teaches us the folly of 'preventive war.' It almost always backfires. Kaiser Wilhelm of
Germany plunged Europe into World War Iand his nation into ruin by attacking his neighbors in the name of defense. Imperial
Japan awoke a slumbering giant and assured its own demise with its 'preemptive strike' at Pearl Harbor. In a world of only
one superpower, any unprovoked military attack by the US risks alienating our allies and fomenting an international realignment
in which we stand alone against the world."
We might consider both Russia and China to be contemporary "slumbering giants," each with the capability
of winning such a war against the United States. Remote Viewer Aaron C. Donahue examined this scenario and explained exactly
how China will attack us. There will be a nuclear assault from the west, followed by a military invasion on the East Coast.
It has become quite clear since the events of 9-11, and our military adventures in Afghanistan,
that the al-Qaeda network of "terrorists," branded as the enemy, stretches across many borders throughout the Middle East
and numerous other parts of the world. Cells of this group are believed to exist within the United States. As an effective way of battling modern high-tech armies, the al-Qaeda, and a growing number of other organizations
like them, use unconventional guerrilla tactics to strike and retreat.
Mr. Bush might feel overly confident that new black budget toys developed by the military guarantee
an easy victory against any foe. But consider the case of retired Marine Lieutenant General Paul Van Riper who participated
in a recent military sponsored war game called Millennium Challenge.
General Van Riper, who served in Vietnam, the Middle East and Desert Storm, and has a distinguished
career as both a student and instructor of war tactics, assumed the role of a Middle Eastern enemy commander during this war
Even though the U. S. military brought forth its best minds and finest arsenal of advanced technical killing toys, a New York Times story said Van Riper proved, at least on computer, that a well-organized guerrilla force could defeat us. The trick would be doing something unexpected . . . like suicide pilots crashing hijacked passenger
jets into the World Trade Center towers. That an enemy force has the intelligence and the willingness to commit such an act
proves that the unexpected can be expected once we commit to such an act of aggression.
According to the Times story, Van Riper used the very same tactics in Millennium Challenge to defeat
He said he reasoned that the United States would attempt a surprise strike and decided to attack
As the U. S. fleet entered the Persian Gulf, Van Riper gave a signal in a coded message broadcast
from the minarets of mosques at the call to prayer. Once they had their queue, suicide bombers using small pleasure boats
and propeller planes laden with high explosives suddenly rammed both ships and strategic airfields in al-Qaeda-like attacks.
The guerrilla force also fired cruise missiles from some of the small pleasure boats and succeeded
in sinking the only U. S. aircraft carrier and two marine helicopter carriers.
Thus in one quick move, Van Riper's tactic wiped out the entire United States armada of ships and
aircraft poised to strike his unnamed Middle Eastern nation.
By the time the game ended, 16 U.S. naval ships were at the bottom of the Persian Gulf and thousands of marines were dead, the Times story said. As the U. S. makes preparations for a strike against Baghdad that nobody in the world seems to want,
including a lot of thinking people in the United States, we should ask why the American people aren't in the streets in open
protest. We may have a lot to lose by this action, and very little to gain.
I believe that the people in this country are in protest but the media is not reporting it.
There were public demonstrations in 75 major cities prior to our attack on Afghanistan, just about one year ago, but we were
never told about them. This occurred in the days immediately following the 9-11 attacks and there seemed to be an unwillingness.or
fear.that to report such acts would be considered treason by our government.
We should not be surprised to know that much of the world now regards George Bush and his regime
as the real terrorist threat. His actions have already cost sympathies gained immediately following the 9-11 attacks.
If we keep this up, Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda network may emerge as world heroes. |