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The Surreal World Of
Urban Legend By James Donahue April 2006 While digging through
news clips from around the world, searching for Luciferian News links, we occasionally come on stories that appear so fantastic
we reason that they cannot be true. Yet some of these events are witnessed and/or experienced by so many of the local residents
in the area in which they happen, they become urban legend. We offer a few examples
to make our point. People in In Now people in the eastern
The crop circle believers
have been excited about a couple of unusual formations that appeared in a field near a British radio telescope. One of them
has appeared in the exact shape of an image transmitted by the radio telescope into space in 1974. The story is that the transmission,
a pictorial message, was beamed toward a particular star cluster that is 21,000 light years from Earth, near the edge of our
galaxy. Within that cluster astronomers say can be found an estimated 300,000 stars. Was it a message returned from ET, or
is it another urban legend? |