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Does Aaron’s Bloodline Spring
From Irish Royalty? By James Donahue February 2006 A team of scientists
from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, has discovered that as many as one in 12 Irish men could be direct descendants from
a Fifth Century warlord who ruled the most powerful dynasty of ancient Ireland. This ancient king was
known as Niall of the Nine Hostages, a powerful Fourth Century rebel who was considered a barbarian invader by what was then
a dying It was said that Niall
made a career leading raids on the outskirts of the empire and actually captured nine hostages from the European mainland
and It seems that Niall fathered
many children during his reign. The heritage today is believed to include more than three million men from around the world,
counted among his offspring. The only other world emperor to achieve as impressive a legacy was Genghis Khan, of Mongolia,
who conquered most of Asia in the 13th Century and left an estimated 16 million descendants. The Trinity research
project was led by a doctoral student, Laoise Moore, working at the Smurfit Institute of Genetics. When testing males of
Irish heritage in other parts of the world the frequency of the same Y chromosome was significantly higher in certain family
names that obviously can be traced back to the Neill dynasty. These surnames, many of them modernized and altered following
family movements to other lands, include Gallagher, Boyle, O’Donnell and O’Doherty. Those latter two names
are of special interest to this family with Irish roots since these names are very close to the name O’Donahue, which
was the original family name before the “O” was dropped about three or four generations ago. There is an organization
in existence that is tracing Irish family names by doing DNA tests for a price, in case anybody out there is interested in
finding out. As for this writer, it
isn’t necessary to know if our son, Aaron C. Donahue can trace his genetic heritage to Irish royalty. It is easy to
see that the royalty is in his blood and has been from the day he was born. |