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Anti-Christian Jeans
Catching On In By James Donahue December 2005 A reader sent me a link
to an Associated Press story about how the youth in Sweden are buying new “Cheap Monday” jeans featuring a logo
with a skull and upside down cross on its forehead. Dubbed the anti-Christian
jeans, the slacks are a hot item among the youth, not only because of the logo, but because they have a trendy tight fit and
sell for a low price. The logo’s designer
says he has “a great dislike” for organized religion and that the logo is an active statement against Christianity. Of course, the jeans
are raising a reaction from the church. Some buyers have ripped off the Cheap Monday labels and even returned the jeans after
they discover what the logo represents. We see the popularity
of the jeans among the youth, however, as a healthy sign of a growing rebellion among the youth throughout the Scandinavian
countries, and all through Not only does Donahue
have a growing number of listeners in Donahue says he is not
surprised that he is gaining a following in that part of the world. He says he sees the youth of the world as the hope for
the planet. “There must be
a socialist movement,” he says. “The next generation will be the one that will make it happen. I see myself as
their voice.” Donahue warns that allowing
a continuation of the current democratic/capitalist system for much longer will only bring about a fast destruction of our
already dying planet and threaten the extinction of the human race. |