The Mind of James Donahue Through Chinese Eyes |
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How Chinese Leadership
Viewed The Bush Visit By James Donahue December 2005 With a new low in American
approval ratings and having just been “battered by a decidedly hostile reception in Latin America,” a Chinese
newspaper noted that “a mellower and gentler President George W. Bush” came to The editorial in China
Daily said that it did not go unnoticed that Bush suggested in a speech in The writer then said:
“Alas, both the president and the media entourage showed dismaying flaws in their understanding of We must wonder if Mr.
Bush thought the Chinese people watching him were stupid. Unfortunately, his own lack of intellect was his own undoing, and
it made The report noted that
the Bush reference to The Chinese liked the
Bush speech in But it was as if they
could read the president’s mind when he trudged off to church on Sunday. “When Thomas Murphy,
then chairman of General Motors, visited The editorial noted that
religious freedom now exists throughout “Surely no one
is suggesting that only the practice of Christian religions count toward religious freedom,” he wrote. The article noted that
at about the same time of the Bush visit, a Washington-based When asked if they were
satisfied with the way things have been going at home, 72 percent of the Chinese people said they were, while only 39 percent
said they were satisfied in the The writer noted that
the result of this survey was virtually ignored by the American media, with only the International Herald Tribune, distributed
outside of the The article noted that
the 2004 election of In other words, the Chinese
people are not interested in “democratic” elections that can be altered by trickery and subterfuge. The story said “Western media
needs to take off their biased filters and see |