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Chavez – Bush Represent
Western Conflict In Ideologies By James Donahue Nov. 22, 2005 Most Americans probably
were paying little attention to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez until Televangelist Pat Robertson recently suggested Chavez’s
assassination during comments on his 700 Club television show. Within weeks Chavez popped
up in American media again as he publicly blasted efforts by President George W. Bush to persuade 34 leaders of the nations
of the Chavez, an outspoken
socialist, called the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) an expansion of US-styled capitalism and wanted no part of it. “I think we came
here to bury FTAA. I brought my shovel,” Chavez told the crowds. “The planet is being destroyed under our own
noses by the capitalist model, the destructive engine of development. Every day there is more hunger, more misery, thanks
to the neo-liberal, capitalist model.” In a radio broadcast
from Chavez called his plan
the Bolivarian Alternative for the Since that fateful meeting,
the rhetoric between the Last week He went on to say the
administration is “reaching out, at a bilateral level, to our partners in the hemisphere and in And that, in spite of
its high-sounding political rhetoric, pissed Chavez off. “The planet’s
most serious danger is the government of the Thus the right-wing campaign
to spread US-styled capitalism and democracy throughout the world is being thwarted by a most formidable foe in President
Chavez. If you listen to what
Chavez has to say, and watch his actions, you may find that the man’s arguments against capitalism make a lot of sense.
This week, as if to empasize my point, Venezuela agreed to provide
thousands of low income residents of A stark comparison is exhibited between socialist thinking and capitalist
thinking. Which do you like best? While once a model for
the world to watch, the When you think about
it, Chavez wants the same thing most people in the |