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How Angels Persuaded Saul
To Launch The Christian Cult By James Donahue Nov. 14, 2005 When you study the Book
of Acts in the New Testament, it is clear that angels were busy using the dynamic life of Jesus to establish a religious cult. After following Jesus
and living close to him for three years, the disciples felt driven to continue the work. Meeting in the Upper Room at Pentecost,
the story is that the Holy Spirit descended down upon the group and they felt overpowered by it. Peter then addressed the
crowd, giving great oratory as a newly established leader. It is obvious that the
arrival of the “Holy Spirit” was in reality, an invasion of the bodies of these men by a pack of angels. Because they were unable
to see what it was that overpowered them that day, the disciples believed the lie that they were “filled” by the
spirit of God when in reality, they were possessed by spiritual parasites out to take over the world. Thus they became possessed
by angels who used them to begin the work of making a deity of Jesus and establishing a religious cult. While Peter turned out
to be a powerful minister on behalf of the angelic realm, he apparently lacked a certain spark that was needed to turn that
little cult into a dynamic force that would eventually impact and enslave the entire world. Enter Saul of Tarsus,
a Pharisee of the Jewish Religion, a despised tax collector and dynamic persecutor of the Christians. Saul and a delegation
of soldiers were traveling to This was no light mission.
Saul had at his command a troop of cavalry and foot soldiers and they were in pursuit of Christians who had fled Saul’s mission was
not only to go to Too bad he did not succeed.
The angels intercepted and turned Saul into Paul the Christian evangelist. Suddenly all of that energy was turned around to
work for the new religious order instead of against it. The story, which Psychic
Aaron C. Donahue says is a classic description of an alien abduction, is told in Acts 9: “As he (Saul) journeyed
he came near Donahue said an angel
posed as the dead Jesus and thus fooled Paul into believing in the divinity of the former leader of the little group of Christians
just down the road in The verse continues: “So
he (Saul), trembling and astonished, said, ‘Lord, what do You want me to do?’ And the Lord said to him, ‘Arise
and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.’ Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were
opened he saw no one. But they led him by and hand and brought him into In other words, Saul was
temporarily blinded by this event. It is interesting to note
that the soldiers with Saul that day “saw the light and were afraid, but they did not hear the voice of Him who spoke
to me,” Saul later reported in Acts 22. As Bible scholars know,
it was Paul who went on long journeys throughout the Mediterranean region, establishing churches and putting Christianity
on the map. It also was Paul who wrote many of the letters that now comprise the text within the New Testament. These letters
establish the doctrine that is today’s Christian faith.