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Remembering A False World
As We Thought We Knew It By James Donahue Sept. 15, 2005 The bankruptcy filings
by both Delta and Northwest Airlines this week are only the tip of an iceberg that floats below the sea of chaos that now
surrounds us. As the realization strikes
that the world is running out of oil and that A very harsh winter awaits
If fault can be found,
it lies in the fact that most of the industries’ eggs were in one basket. Many of the nation’s refineries were
located near the As of this writing, nine
major refineries in The number of offshore
oil and gas supply platforms that were knocked out by the storm has been a somewhat guarded secret, at least in the American
media. The Itar-Tas News Service,
however, reported within days of the hurricane that Katrina ruined 58 of the And therein lays the
crisis facing American consumers as the first nip of autumn brings an evening chill in the air. Can a nation of people
living on reduced, fixed or no income whatsoever survive a winter if the heating bills double or even triple from the high
costs experienced last season? How many people can afford to run individual cars to jobs that pay little more than minimal
wage with gasoline costs rising above three and possibly four dollars a gallon? Can we envision the horror
of finding an untold number of elderly citizens frozen in their unheated homes because they could not afford the cost of fuel?
And how many people will perish in fires caused by trying to heat their apartments with make-shift wood burning stoves or
by turning the gas ranges on full blast? Expect more gasoline
station robberies as desperate people seek the fuel for their vehicles that they cannot afford to pay for. Our great error was in
relying too heavily on oil as our primary energy source. Our error also was in overpopulating the world and recklessly using
up our natural resources. Our error was our failure to preserve those precious resources and always giving reverence to the
Mother Earth. What was needed as we
multiplied in numbers and built great cities was a mass transit system that supplied the needs of all. We started in that
direction when the first railroads were built. We were well on our way when we established bus transit lines that reached
into even the rural towns. People could hop a bus and go just about anywhere at a very reasonable price when I was a young
man. This is no longer true. Instead of building it
better, we abandoned trains and dismantled our great railroad system. In recent years we tore up most of the track. The bus
services were squeezed almost out of existence by a commercially generated love of the American automobile. Everybody saw
the future as a wonderful time when there was “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.” We all wanted our own
individual homes filled with the latest in gadgetry. We were willing to go deep in debt to have these things. We tossed away
perfectly good used items because we were enticed by the lure of “buying new and better” things to replace them.
Thus we became a throw-away society. We ravaged our planet’s resources. We lost our connection with the Mother Earth.
We forgot who we were. We made money our god. This folly has led us
down a road to disaster. The fruits of our great blunder are now upon us. The wonderful dream world that we lived in for the
last fifty years is crashed. Now it is time for everyone in