The Mind of James Donahue Inbreeding |
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Christian Agenda Hasn’t
Stop Free Sex – Only Hidden It By James Donahue August 2005 The great Christian doctrine
prohibiting free and open sexual practices among willing partners has created a social dilemma that is finally beginning to
surface. This problem goes beyond
the priest pedophilia and, rape and mass murders that have been making the news in recent years. It involves parents who secretly
exchange sex partners in their own neighborhoods and women who accidentally and often unknowingly sire children by men other
than their husbands. This practice has been
going on quietly for many generations with disastrous results. The children have developed strange attractions to half-sisters
and brothers in the community, not knowing that they share the same father. Consequently there has been a lot of inbreeding
throughout the Christian world. We see the consequences when we observe the large number of mentally and physically handicapped
people walking among us. We have suspected that
this was a major problem, but until recently, there were few statistics available to prove just how severe the effects of
inbreeding have been. That Now the development of
DNA testing to track ancestral histories of patients with inherited medical problems has begun exposing the extent of how
much inbreeding has really been going on. A recent story about
DNA testing going on in the Like everything else
about this sordid story, the conditioned reaction by the fathers also is generated by false religious doctrines that put the
husband in control of women and force women to submit to the will of the husband. That they slipped away for an extra-marital
fling at some point in the church controlled ball-and-chain marriage (i.e. slave) link to a husband turns these women into
whores and the children into bastards in the eyes of the church. In truth, nothing has
changed. That woman is still there in the home, playing the role she was programmed to play. The child is the same child that
she brought into the world at the time it was born. It should be loved and respected no less than any other children in that
home. But the social stigma
imposed on those people who stepped out of the strict boundaries set by church doctrine is so powerful, entire families are
being uprooted and lives destroyed. This should not be happening. All of this makes a Luciferian
doctrine unveiled by Psychic Aaron C. Donahue, that opposes marriage and urges all couples to have their marriages annulled,
sound more reasonable than many might have first thought. Actually, Donahue is
adhering to a social formula established in After magickly receiving
the Book of the Law from an entity that reportedly dictated the words to him in a private room in The book establishes
a new Eon for humanity, which includes a breakdown of the great world religions and a new spiritual movement under Horus,
the Egyptian hawk-headed sun god, to replace it. Donahue believes this
spiritual movement should be Luciferian in its roots because he has discovered that Lucifer is not a fallen angel as so long
taught by the Christian church. Rather, Lucifer is an alien from an advanced race of beings that came to Earth thousands of
years ago and put his DNA in Earth primates. Thus Lucifer is really
the father of the human race. He wrote "there is no
problem facing a man or woman that cannot be easily resolved through application of this law." Crowley also produced the following
declaration of what he called the rights of man: "There
is no God but man. Man has the right to live by his own Law. Man has the right to live in the way that
he wills to do. Man has the right to dress as he wills to
do. Man his the right to dwell where he wills
to dwell. Man has the right to move as he will on the
face of the earth. Man has the right to eat what he will. Man has the right to drink what he will. Man has the right to think as he will. Man has the right to speak as he will. Man has the right to mold as he will. Man has the right to paint as he will. Man has the right to carve as he will. Man has the right to work as he will. Man has the right to rest as he will. Man has the right to love as he will, when,
where and whom he will. Man has the right to die when and how he will. Man has the right to kill those who would
thwart these rights." If you examine these
rights, you will notice that there are laws on the books throughout the |