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The Mother Earth Is Communicating;
Are You Listening? By James Donahue Aug. 7, 2005 How much worse must it
get before political leaders stop bickering and going to war over the small stuff and realize what danger we all are in? The Mother Earth . .
. our great mother from where we sprang and who provides our daily needs . . . is in her death throes. She is crying out for
help. That 2004 earthquake
measuring 9.3 on the Richter scale that sent a killer tsunami that swept the The great heat waves
sweeping Europe last year and the The annual monsoons struck
In china, where parts
of the country are parched and turning to desert, other sections are experiencing extensive flooding that has killed 569 people
and destroyed an estimated 505,000 homes in central, east and southern areas. Terrible typhoons are
already ravaging the coasts of The American West and
And scientists are alarmed
at the number of dead fish and dead birds floating ashore on the coasts of all of the world’s oceans. The warming waters
are causing changes in currents and killing the delicate plankton on the lower end of the world food chain. It appears that
our oceans are dying quickly. All of this means that
the world food supply will be dwindling for both man and beast. It means that the starving refugees in the parched areas of
central The day will soon come
when only the rich will eat. The poor will starve because the price of the few remaining resources will be too costly. The
grocery stores will no longer be stocked with junk foods. You will be lucky to find a loaf of good bread or a piece of cheese
for a daily meal. This is not a make-believe
scenario. It is reality that is beginning to bite us all. The weather forecasters must stop assuring us every night that the
heat and the storms are reciprocal; that everything is all right. By next year, they say, things will be back to normal. It
is a lie. Be assured. Because of
what we have done to our environment; because of the greenhouse gasses from our fossil-burning factories and cars, because
of all the trees that have been slashed, because of all the toxins we have spewed into our air, land and streams, nothing
is going to be normal again. Industrial leaders in
the That way of thinking
must stop. If we don’t halt
this insanity and start pulling together to fix the disaster on our heads, the human race is rushing toward extinction. Psychic Aaron C. Donahue
warns that without some dramatic changes in the way we are doing our business, that extinction could happen within the lifetime
of most people alive today. Starving and choking
to death is not a pleasant way to go. And after extinction comes the loss of our soul, which will be the second and most horrible
death of all. |