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Aleister Crowley And
The Extraterrestrial By James Donahue English Psychic/Magickian/Writer
Aleister Crowley conducted experiments in 1918 that he claimed led to a face-to-face meeting with an alien that he called
“Lam.” Thus Crowley, in addition
to all of his other incredible achievements mostly in esoteric matters, became one of the first, if not the first contemporary
to make contact and describe the being he met as an alien from another world than our own. Even stranger is the
fact that The wizard’s message
to To anybody else, such
a message might have fallen on deaf ears. But to A verse in Chapter Two,
line 49, quotes Hadit, the energy of the Universe as declaring “I am unique & conqueror.
I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead! Amen. (This is of the 4: there is a fifth who is invisible,
& therein am I as a babe in an egg.)” This symbol, The Book of the Law was
delivered in 1904 as a warning to mankind. The warning was that unless we changed our course, we would bring about a premature
death of our planet and consequently deal with the harsh new Eon of Horus. While portrayed as an
innocent child in one instance, the Egyptians also saw Horus as a hawk-headed god of war and vengeance. The warning was that
if the human race failed to take care of the planet and shake off its dependence on enslaving religious systems, it would
have to deal with the hawk-headed image of Horus. The job of Horus is to
assist the human race in making contact with Lucifer, our alien progenitor. Thus the instruction
by the mystical wizard to Eventually In those days, the term
extraterrestrial was not in our vocabulary. Thus The word Lam is a Tibetan
word for “way” or “path,” also highly meaningful to an occultist like Crowley referred to himself
as the Beast 666, as identified by Nuit in Chapter 1, verse 15: “Now ye shall know that the
chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast,” even though the next line clearly informs
him, as the receiver of the book, “But ye are not so chosen.” Also in
Chapter 2, verses 75 and 76, That puzzle
is a long line of numbers and letters that appears, at first glance, to be a jumbled mess: 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3
Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. Yet it was recently solved by psychic magickan and advanced viewer Aaron C. Donahue through his
personal system of advanced remote viewing. Donahue says he discovered
that within the puzzle is found a key to contact with Lucifer. This is what |