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“Pleasure Drug” Idea Misses The Point By James Donahue July 2005 A new report by the Also on the horizon are
recreational drugs to promote better sex, think faster, relax, sleep or even alter our mood said Sir David King, chief scientific
advisor to the Foresight group that prepared the report. The report notes that
the new breed of psychoactive substances will be less harmful than the illegal substances now costing society billions of
dollars every year to control. The report quickly brings
to mind Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World in which a pleasure drug called Soma is used by future governments for social
control. Interesting that when
asked about the similarity to Huxley’s Soma, team member Gerry Simpson noted: “If there is such a thing as Huxley’s
Soma, that really does raise crucial questions for governments around the world about how legitimately to regulate a substance
like that.” In the midst of a bogus
“war on drugs” that has become almost international in scope, the probability of developing a legal mind-altering
drug is just about impossible to imagine. The only way it will happen is if this drug is, indeed, a tool by which governments
can control the minds of the masses. Pills that help enhance
memory, ease the symptoms of the dreaded Alzheimer’s Disease, help people give up an addiction to tobacco or go to sleep
are already on the market and more and better drugs are undoubtedly on the way. But as long as the religious dominating system
prevails in our society, there are not going to be pleasure drugs even though common sense shows that they would provide some
quality of life for hundreds of thousands of people struggling to survive in this chaotic world. What is desperately needed
by the masses is something we have already had for thousands of years, but was taken away from us. These were the opiates,
the mushrooms, the grasses and other natural things provided by the Mother Earth that were and still can be found under our
feet. They were well known and popular medications and mind expanding substances that could, if allowed, help everybody open
that sleeping third eye and see the universe as it really exists beyond that veil of mist from which it has been hidden for
thousands of years. While they are still
used by shaman among aboriginal tribes around the world, the use of any of these natural mind-altering herbs and plants by
people in general society is now mostly prohibited because of man-made laws. The danger isn’t
that these substances would harm us. The danger is that we would see the truth and that the truth would destroy the world
religious systems that have controlled us for thousands of years. The danger is that the angelic energies would be found out
and expelled from this world, as they should have been a long time ago. Psychic Aaron C. Donahue
has declared This is why our jails
are filled with young men and women who dare to defy the laws and grow or sell marijuana, peyote, and cocoa or opiate derivatives.
Included among these illegal narcotics is LSD, a synthetic drug developed by accident in a German lab that may have been a
last-ditch gift to the world. It was supposed to wake up everyone that took it in a flash. The problem with LSD,
like many of the other substances that are declared illegal to possess and use, is that they gave the users a brief glimpse
of reality, but then when the effects of the substance wore off, the middle eye went shut again. That was when the controlled
and veiled rules of the so-called “real” world kicked back in. Thus the Hippie movement
of the 1960s, led by such motivators as Dr. Timothy Leary and the Grateful Dead, quickly fizzled out once Leary and bandleader
Jerry Garcia were gone. Instead of helping us
break down the bicameral mind and evolve spiritually, these things all were consequently turned into party toys. Most humans
remained as brain dead after consuming them as they were before. The error was that the
substances were consumed without the right spiritual guidance to help the users reach a state of advanced mental awareness
that lasted. What was needed was a world-wide awakening. Instead, the world turned itself into a police state. The human race has lost
its way. |