The Mind of James Donahue Rattling Of Sabers |
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By James Donahue July 16, 2005 A few weeks ago Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld challenged As if to taunt the Chinese
delegation attending the conference, Rumsfeld asked the group: “If everyone agrees the question of An AP story said Rumsfeld
then stated that the Pentagon’s annual assessment of China’s military capabilities indicates China is spending
more than its leaders acknowledge and expanding its missile capabilities and developing advanced military technology. He said “Since no nation
threatens Rumsfeld’s remarks
highlighted what has been a growing sense that the Bush Administration is publicly demonizing One of the few things
preventing the ultimate clash between these two ideologically opposite thinking cultures is the commerce that the two countries
share. That there is a disagreement over the purchase of an oil producing company, something China desperately needs at a
time when the world oil supply is falling short, is significant. The sabers are rattling
in both Washington and Beijing and it is not a good sound. In fact, Psychic Aaron
C. Donahue warned in 2003 that if President Bush was re-elected to office, the United States and China would be engaged in
a world war that would escalate to a nuclear exchange. He also warned that the United States will lose this war. He has been predicting
this looming war for several years. Donahue's February 2004
interview with Art Bell was replayed on Coast-to-Coast Radio on Sunday, July 10. During this show, he predicted that Bush
would win the election and that the United States was in great danger of going to war with China. Mr. Bush may believe
he is in control of the world’s most powerful military force and that Yet that is just what
Bush and his staff appear to be doing. The The issue between That island has been
struggling for its own independence from mainland The Chinese
government is obviously getting into position to regain Taiwan, either peacefully or through force. It was
against that backdrop, that Chinese General Zhu Chenghu, a top ranking officer of the People’s Liberation Army, warned
that “If
the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition onto the target zone on We understand
that Mr. Bush probably doesn’t understand the ramifications of what is happening in |