The Mind of James Donahue Bush's Brain |
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Is Rove The Bush Camp’s
Achilles Heel? By James Donahue July 14. 2005 It is no secret in political
circles that the Bush Administration is in place because of the dirty tricks originating from the mind of the nation’s
unelected leader Karl Rove. Rove has been the brilliant
and often malicious strategist that has helped catapult George W. Bush into office as Governor of Texas, and then to the high
office of President for two consecutive terms. The 54-year-old Rove served
as Mr. Bush’s senior advisor and chief political strategist until February, when Bush advanced him to the new post of
deputy chief of staff in charge of policy. In other words, Bush appears
to have placed Rove in charge of running the country, something we suspect he was doing all along but nobody wanted to admit
it. There is nothing wrong
when a president surrounds himself with good sound political advisors. In fact, the office of President of the But there is something
strange about the relationship Mr. Bush has had with Karl Rove. Rove’s reputation
as a dirty trickster has gained him some degree of national fame. In fact a new word, “Rovian,” has been added
to the language. It is somewhat of a synonym for Machiavellian, which means having narrow, self-interested views pursued by
a special interest group. The documentary Bush’s Brain, depicts Rove as the real brains behind the president. The film describes Rove as the most
powerful political consultant in the nation’s history. Some have suggested that Rove is the nation’s secret co-president. And all of this is why
the controversy now surrounding Rove regarding the leak of Valerie Plame’s name as a CIA operative, and that it was
exposed by political columnist Robert Novak, has become a real dilemma for Mr. Bush. The CIA is such a top secret organization
that it is a federal crime to reveal the identity of any of the agency’s operatives. At the start of the scandal,
a typical unthinking Bush brashly announced that he would support a full investigation and the offender would no longer be
on his staff. Now, as more and more evidence is uncovered pointing fingers right at Rove as the source of this leak, Bush
has suddenly become very quiet. Is Bush now spending his
days on his knees in Rove’s office, asking his brain to find a solution to this terrible dilemma. If he fires Rove, which
he is almost obligated to do under the circumstances, some of the political pundits are gleefully suggesting that Bush cannot
survive. Fox News, an extreme right-wing
news outlet that never fails to voice the Republican side of issues, noted that the Democrats are incorrect when they spread
the myth that Rove is the puppeteer with Bush as the “dum-dum.” The story quotes Carl
Cannon, National Journal’s In a way, that statement
makes sense. It seems hard to believe
that a man as brilliant as Rove appears to be would have used false information to lead us into a dead-end war in Iraq, or
that he would dismiss the Kyoto Treaty dealing with such a critical issue as greenhouse gasses without a better explanation
than simply saying the evidence does not support global warming. In fact, when you look
at some of the people Bush has appointed to his staff, it seems as if he has a few good minds on his cabinet. Could it be that Bush
is such a fool he believes he can run the country without listening to the advice of the people around him? Perhaps the demise of
Rove will make no difference whatsoever.