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Pope Benedict XVI: Hard
Line Conservative By James Donahue April 19, 2005 The pendulum has now
swung to the far right. The first Roman Catholic conclave of the new millennium has chosen Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Thus the Catholic Church,
following in the movement that swept across the Expect nothing changed
in Roman Catholicism. Catholics all over the world will still be prohibited from practicing birth control, big families will
be encouraged in an already overpopulated and stressed world, and millions of women will remain trapped in the yoke of an
unbalanced social structure that puts the control of government and society firmly in the hands of the men. And why are we not surprised? What would have caused
us to believe that all-male conclave of crimson-robed cardinals would have given one thought to the rights of the women in
that church? Who would have thought that they might have had a spiritual eye toward a need for a balanced Earth? All of them, chosen bachelors,
many of them likely supporting the evil practice of pedophilia, are obviously possessed by angelic spirits that have
no love for the human race. Thus the world moves
one further step backward into the dark ages. This is but one more terrible milestone our society has blindly taken toward
its own horrific destruction. All the more reason that
the rise of the new Luciferian movement is so important at this time in human history. Without it, humanity would not only
face extinction, but we would all be threatened with the very loss of our soul within the dying Mother Earth.