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Bush Dismantling America’s
Industrial-Military Backbone By James Donahue April 2005 Whether by design or
pure incompetence, we are watching a disturbing pattern of behavior in Washington D. C. that is setting Without going into all
of the details, here is an overview of what the “Christian/conservative” controlled Republican Administration
has been doing since President George W. Bush first took office over four years ago. --The 911 attack in September,
2001, set the stage for a retaliatory strike against --Incorrectly declaring
that --With two wars raging,
and military forces occupying bases all over the world, the --Bush has threatened
-- --As part of the Bush
Administration’s War on Terror, the -- --Since Bush took office,
his administration has opened the door to the closing of many American factories as companies turn to “outsourcing”
of U. S. jobs to foreign countries, taking advantage of a cheap labor market. --The closing of factories
and lay-offs of hundreds of thousands of American workers has been good for American business interests, who paid to put Bush
in the White House, but it has created a giant pool of unemployed and underpaid workers in the --Among the shut-down
factories in the --Bush recently used
an executive order to establish a special panel that will have the power to close military bases all over the --Most, if not all of
the high-tech electronic equipment like computers, digital cameras and wide screen televisions are now manufactured in --Since taking office,
the Bush Administration has erased a $233 billion government cash surplus left by the Clinton Administration, to a $7 trillion
deficit. That deficit amounts to a sum of $24,000 for every man, woman and child in So here is the bottom
line. Our military is overextended. Most people in |