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Rock Dust Story Reveals
Glimpse Of By James Donahue April 2005 A recent article in the
UK Guardian about an English couple that discovered how super-rich the dust from a rock quarry can be in their garden, dramatizes
just how much our planet has been stripped of its nutrients by human encroachment. It seems that retired
school teachers Cameron and Moira Thomson used rock dust and compost to convert six acres of open and infertile land near
Pitlochry into what they called a modern The soil was enriched
so much that they claimed they were growing cabbages the size of footballs, onions bigger than coconuts and gooseberries as
big as plums. Somewhat misguided, however,
the Thomsons have the idea that the Earth can be saved if everybody grinds up rocks to rejuvenate the land. They believe replacement
of the minerals lost in the soil over the past 10,000 years can grow super plants and perhaps even halt climate change. While the enrichment
of the soil might make things green again . . . if only for a while . . . the super heating of the planet seems to have reached
a point where it now is out of control, a team of scientists said in a recently released report. Thus the planet is doomed
to an early death, and we are all headed for extinction. It would take a lot of
rock grinding to overcome that. If nothing else, the
Thomson experiment has shown us just how much damage the human race has caused to the Earth during the thousands of years
that we have farmed and exploited it. Instead of keeping the
covenant and being stewards of the magnificent Mother who gives us life, we collectively raped and pillaged her until we drained
her life energies beyond all chance of recovery. Consider the planet as
it was when we first arrived. A plush rain forest, with giant trees, and fruit so large you could make a meal on one picking.
When white settlers first came to the Most of the damage was
done within the past century. We could have stopped
it as recently as the 1970s. Even though the Hippies, their eyes temporarily opened by the mind expanding drug LSD, sounded
the alarm and called in loud voices for us to change our ways, we did nothing. The few environmental
laws that were passed as a result of that movement have since been stripped of their effectiveness by the Bush Administration. The zombies remain in
control. They still don’t think there is anything wrong. Perhaps they just don’t care, as long as the money is
filling their pockets. |