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The Sick American Culture
Of Pain And Suffering By James Donahue April 2005 Most people glancing
at the headline might think that perhaps this article is about the discovery of some new hooded religious cult that meets
secretly under the light of bonfires and the full moon. Not so. We are looking at the
Christian controlled religious system and all of the many effects it has had on our society in which we live and die. Nothing has emphasized
this sickness more than the story that has been capturing our attention of late, the slow and agonizing death by starvation
of Terri Schaivo in a That the Schaivo death
was turned into a media circus is yet another glimpse of our sick society. Ever since the sensational O. J. Simpson murder
trail, Americans have been glued to their televisions through countless other high profile murder cases where television cameras
either get into the courtrooms, or reporters rush to the camera every hour with up-to-the-minute reports on every graphic
detail of the case. After years of reporting
Circuit and District Court criminal cases, I can tell you from first-hand experience, that the details can get bloody at times.
Nothing is left to the imagination. There seems to be a perverted
interest in this kind of thing these days. We enjoy the trials,
and we like to hear about the prisoners in death row at our state and federal prisons waiting the long days before they are
put to death. Where is the benevolent
spirit that is supposed to come into a person that turns to a so-called life in Christ? That Dr. Jack Kevorkian,
the man who had the answer to providing terminal patients with a peaceful and comfortable transition from this existence to
the next, is rotting in a Our laws and our leaders
seem to think letting the elderly and terminally ill lie suffering in a slow and agonizing death is better than easing them
out with comfort and dignity. We have forgotten that our doctors take an oath to ease pain and suffering, but not necessarily
to prolong life at all cost. The so-called War on
Drugs on Those that go to church
worship the murder of a Christ figure. They spend their lives not worrying about preserving the Earth for future generations,
or preserving the soul within, but preparing for a life in the hereafter. But there is a fear factor involved in this religion.
Those that fail to quite make the grade . . . that commit a mystery “unpardonable sin” so to speak, spend an eternity
burning in hell with the fallen angels. Thus Christians are quite preoccupied with walking a straight and narrow path and
never allowing their minds to explore new ideas or challenges to their “faith.” The hard-line fundamentalists
have taken over our government. Consequently there is a move afoot to bring back the death penalty in all state and federal
prisons, to bring back a ban on abortions and force prisoners . . . especially drug offenders . . . to “get religion”
by attending government-forced religious rehabilitation programming. The Christians believe
that only by accepting the angelic possessing energy they call “Jesus” can an evil-doer be truly rehabilitated
to live in their society. There also appears to
be a perverted mindset in Psychic viewer Aaron
C. Donahue recently burned a remote viewed cure for AIDS. He posted the news of his discovery on his website and announced
it over the radio, and gave a 30-day time limit for anyone to respond. There was not a single request for more information
or details about this cure. On the 30th day, Donahue photographed himself digging a hold in the snow and then burning
a manila folder filled with papers he said was a “surprising” solution to the AIDS epidemic now sweeping the world. Why was there no response?
He said it stemmed from a Christian centered fear of Lucifer. “They are waiting for superman to come down and save them,”
he told his listening audience about the Christian culture he is dealing with. “So the cure is gone. I burned it. Now
when I see someone dying from full blown AIDS, I will know that it was meant to be. This is a prejudice and spiritual ignorance.
They can’t get past the fact that I am a Luciferian.” Donahue then said: “We
are a society that worships suffering and death. Look at all of the young men volunteering for the Army.” He did not say it, but
I believe Donahue was thinking of Instead of resisting
the insanity, this war has been strongly supported by people on the home front. The soldiers themselves are proclaiming that
they believe what they are doing is patriotic and in defense of their country. They have bought the
propaganda. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are giving their lives and their blood for control of what is left
of the most valuable of natural resources . . . crude oil. If we have allowed ourselves
to sink this deep into old, long forgotten images of the dark ages, can witch hunts, public executions and book burnings be
far behind? |