The Mind of James Donahue Daitenku Taro Jurai |
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A Strange Japanese
Jesus Story By James Donahue Because of books and
films on the subject, most people by now are aware of the story of a possible link between Mary Magdalene and possibly Jesus
with the area of But there is another
story, told by the people of The Christian story,
from the New Testament, claims that Jesus was crucified at But the Shingo story
is very different. It claims that Jesus escaped the clutches of the Romans and fled to Two wooden crosses outside
the village mark the graves of Jesus and his brother, Isukuri, and there is even a museum
that remembers Jesus as a garlic farmer known to the Japanese as Daitenku Taro Jurai. Isukuri, the people say,
was crucified in In the museum is a scroll,
said to be a copy of an original document that was the last will and testament of Jesus. The original document, first discovered
in the hands of a priest in 1935, was reportedly destroyed during the war. But a copy exists and is contained in a glass case. A sign beside the grave
explains that when Jesus was 21, he came to The community was called
Harai when Jesus arrived. Many locals say it was a Hebrew name. They also claim a song, or mantra, recited by the people for
generations, also sounds more Hebrew than something spoken in the Japanese dialect. It goes: "Na-Nee-Ya-Do-Ya-Ra." A news
clip about the community cites villager Yoshiteru Ogasaware as saying that there are other strange and unexplained customs
in Shingo that may link the community to some kind of Hebrew origins. For example,
there is a strange blessing of the children with a black sign of the cross on their foreheads, even though the people are
not Christians. Also many villagers wrapped newborn babies in cloth marked by the Star of David. “Every
not and then a blue-eyed baby is born and some people say that these children are the descendants” of Jesus, Ogasaware
said. “Then we heard about these ancient scrolls that said Jesus had come to Apparently
Jesus grew garlic and gave up his ministry when he arrived in Some say that if the
real tomb of Jesus is a marked grave in Thus the Japanese people
of Shingo have their legend, complete with graves and a scroll that neither proves nor disproves their story. While Ogasaware says
he does not believe the Jesus story, he notes that even before the scroll was found, the ancient tomb was always said to contain
someone very important, “although nobody knew who.” |