The Mind of James Donahue Defining Freedom |
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Has President Bush Threatened
The World? By James Donahue January 2005 “The
best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” With these words during his Jan. 20 inauguration President George
W. Bush rattled the rafters of governments around the world. While sounding lofty and fair to most Americans living within the
framework of the U. S. styled democratic system, the threat of “shaping a balance of power” around the world that
“favors freedom” was perceived as a threat by many world leaders, many of whom still rule with an iron fist. His declaration that “ideologies that feed hatred and excuse
murder” constitute “a mortal threat” and that “the force of human freedom” is needed to break
this threat (to the He also said: "The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends
on the success of liberty in other lands." The President warned
that to have continued good relations with the The world reaction to
the speech was one of great concern. The French newspapers
Le Figaro and Le Parisien said the speech
was “messianic” when it came to bringing freedom to nations around the world. The Italian publication
La Repubblica said the affair was “the climax for a quiet man, sitting on
a throne and watching a world that looks back at him with concern.” In Writer David Walsh noted
that during the 20-minute speech, Bush uttered the words “free” and “freedom” 34 times, and used the
word “liberty” 12 times. “The absurd repetition
of freedom is unlikely to deceive anyone, certainly not victims and opponents of his first administration’s crimes in
He warned that: “The US government and military have spelled out what sort of ‘freedom’ they have in mind for the Iraqi
people and the rest of the world in Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib and Fallujah: repression, torture, military occupation, the destruction
of entire cities. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan also promised to ‘liberate’ the populations of Europe and Thus we have a world reaction to the inauguration address that is
far from positive. Even more troublesome were comments by Vice President Dick Cheney
on the same day. During an interview with radio host Don Imus, Cheney listed “I will never take any option off the table,” he said. |