The Mind of James Donahue Yellow Ribbons |
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Angel Worship Taking
On A Strange New Form By James Donahue January 1005 There is a startling
new image on the backs of pickup trucks, vans and automobiles. This image is showing up everywhere, even on store windows,
school posters and signs. I am talking about that
new and popular art drawing of a twisted yellow ribbon symbolizing what is said to be personal support of The showing of the yellow
ribbon began during the Civil War. It was revived during the Vietnam War after Tony Orlando and Dawn came out with a popular
song about tying a yellow ribbon around an oak tree. It is a ballad about a woman pining for her husband gone off to war.
The idea was that she kept the ribbon posted on the tree, an analogy of a light in the window, until her man returned home. When the song hit the
airways yellow ribbons began popping up everywhere. In those days, the ribbons were tied in bows and posted on front doors,
trees and fence posts in front of homes. Later they appeared on public light posts and store fronts. The yellow ribbons were
back again, still tied in bows, after 9-11 and our military was off in We didn’t know
for sure, then, that Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda gang of international terrorists were the real culprit. It was an apparent
assumption by our intelligence people that seems to have been correct. The symbols of nationalism
really started with the show of the American flag on cars and store windows. After the attack on I was following a pickup
truck through town the other day and we were stopped for a while at a light. As I stared at that strange ribbon pattern I
realized that I have seen that shape somewhere else . . . and it wasn’t a yellow ribbon. Then it dawned on me.
Our son Aaron C. Donahue drew it when he caught a glimpse, in a remote viewing session, of the angel that possesses President
George W. Bush. Go to his website at or examine the drawing posted here. Then look at the ribbon symbol displayed on this page. Also showing here is
an interesting mosaic from a 13th Century cathedral that depicts a seraphim, or archangel with bird plumage and
wings, including a man’s face and hands jutting from its body. In spite of the added features, the main form of the
entity’s body is the same . . . with the circular head, hollow tubular hole in its middle, and a flare at the lower
part of the body. Also from Godwin’s
Cabalistic Encyclopedia, page 479, we are showing yet another image of a seraph, also from a 13th century structure.
This shows the same figures, with wings. This is what one very
powerful angel looks like. It may be the image of all angels. Visitors to this site
should know by now that it is our contention that angelic energies are in control of not only our president, but our government.
They are the drivers behind It should be no surprise,
then, that the blinded, brainwashed and possessed masses are getting in lock step, and openly displaying symbols of the ruling
angels on their vehicle bumpers and store windows. These are not demonstrations
of support for our fighting forces. They are a subconscious submission of will to the angels that are today in charge of everything.
Do you really think you
can trust something that secretly manipulates us all in the way this one does? We again call upon mankind to shuck its dependence
upon angelic energies, fight them off, and take control of our world before it is too late. This is the real war.
If we lose it, we have lost everything, including our soul.