The Mind of James Donahue Keltic Origins |
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Ancient Irish-Scottish
Roots In By James Donahue As a young reporter working
for a newspaper in I spent some wonderful
hours with this man hiking the woodlands and visiting the last remaining earthworks left by what was identified as a Hopewellian
culture that existed prior to the Native American tribes that met European settlers. The unanswered question
in all of this was just who these people were that devoted their time turning thousands of acres of land into magnificent
patterns that could have mostly been appreciated from the air? And why would they build large mounds of earth, sometimes hundreds
of feet wide? Excavation revealed that some, but not all were burial sites. Some of the mounds had
oval or horseshoe shapes, and yet others, like the massive earthwork in neighboring In Not only that, but the
English explorers who came to the area in the 1400s were surprised to come upon a tribe of blond-haired, blue-eyed Mandan
Indians that spoke a form of ancient Gaelic. Some of the English explorers, who were familiar with the Gaelic languages of
How could this be? What
is the real history of North America and who left their marks not only in the elaborate variety of earthen works found throughout
the Midwest, but an elaborate display of megaliths, or giant rock structures, in the Northeast? In an article titled “The Mysterious Megaliths of New England,”
Angel notes that a wide variety of amazing rock structures
are still found throughout New England that he claims are “so sophisticated and seemingly inexplicable, serious scientists
and archaeologists have denied their study because of their monumental implications.” Those “implications,” Angel suggests,
are that someone else not only discovered North America, but explored and settled much of the continent long before That someone also preceded the claims that the
Viking, Leif Eriksen, was the first when he brought a band of explorers to The megaliths in the
New England area are strangely similar to rock fortifications found throughout A clue as to their origins
was uncovered by Barry Fell, archaeologist and language specialist, and author of the book “America, B.C.” in
which he claims the inscriptions found on the New England stones were left by both Kelts and Phoenicians. The Kelts were the ancestors
of the Irish, Scotch, Welch and others of The early record indicates
that both the Kelts and the Phoenicians were excellent shipbuilders and sailors. Both cultures developed navies of several
hundred ships and were involved in exploration for great distances south along the African coast as far east as India. What
was to prevent them from traveling west to the coast of Both cultures seem to
have reached the American coast and cohabitated there in the same area. The inscriptions on the rocks in Angel notes that the writing on one large stone was interpreted: “A
proclamation of annexation. Do not deface. By this Hanno takes possession.” Hanno was a Phoenician seafarer who explored and colonized the African coast
around 500 B.C. He founded seven cities and established various trading posts. Greek legend said Hanno sailed the northern
ocean (Atlantic?) at about 480 B.C. Was he in The Kelts appear to have
not only been in the New England area, but they explored the entire continent, obviously using the Angel notes that the
ogamic tract also has been found along the What is even more surprising
is that even more orgamic markings have turned up in the Southwest, in Thus the Irish and the
Scots . . . the ancestors of both my wife and I . . . were exploring this continent as early as one thousands years ago. Our
roots go much deeper into this soil than we once imagined. |