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The Stench Of Christian
Cockiness By James Donahue November 2004 In the wake of the November
Bush sweep of the nation I couldn’t help but notice (with disdain) an article by In the article, Holst
lauds the “religious reversal” going on in Indeed, atheism, as a
belief system, always has had a difficult time maintaining a following. No matter where one turns, it is nearly impossible
to completely deny the existence of something divine about our very existence. The problem has been in defining just what
that divinity is. Even though the Christians
are crowing since taking control of the The Holst article is
mostly a review of a book by Alister McGrath, The Twilight Of Atheism,” in which we are witnessing a resurgence of religious
belief systems all over the world. Indeed, this appears
to be happening. But the results of it are astoundingly evil. We are watching the Roman Catholic Church stumble over the sickness
of pedophilia among the priests, the Christians are busy conducting a modern crusade in the Middle East against the Moslems,
the Moslems and Jews are at war in Wars that have claimed
millions of lives throughout African nations have been raging between Moslems, Christians and local cult groups that hate
one another. In These are clear signs,
at least to this writer, that religion isn’t working. It is at war with itself all over the world. Yet McGrath writes
of what he calls a “phenomenal post-modern, global religious resurgence . . . a global rise of evangelical and Pentecostal
Christianity. There has been a revival of Orthodox Judaism, and significant growth in militant Islam.” Indeed, statistics show
that the Islamic faith is among the fastest growing religions in the That is the power that
runs the Bush Administration in While the Christian churches
would like to belie the statistics, they suffer a declining number of followers. Reading their websites and/or Christian publications
leads us to believe that God is blessing them with new followers. And, indeed, this may be true. Yet I suspect that the numbers
are not growing at the rate of the general population growth, which means churches are in a general decline. Nowhere is this more
evident than in areas where I have recently lived. Here, for lack of financial support, I have seen pastors of protestant
denominations, and even priests of Roman Catholic parishes getting whisked off to minister to more than one church. The pews
in these churches are sprinkled with mostly white-haired parishioners and few others. Many churches are closing. This is not a sign of
a growing spiritual revival. It is a sign of a society in flux…of a people no longer willing to submit to the threat
of eternal hell and damnation as an alternative to submission to the will of angelic control. It is a sign that people
all over the world are searching for something better. They need a spiritual calling, but no more religious enslavement. The power of new political
movement in the This will not last long.
But the fall will be an unnatural one. Instead of voting for change, psychic viewer Aaron C. Donahue predicts that the change
will be brought by catastrophe. The foolish decisions by the apocalyptic leadership now in office will soon toss the world
into nuclear holocaust and bring about the death of this nation. Some of us will live
to see it. The rest will die in the process. |