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Saturn’s Moon Titan
A Flammable Giant? By James Donahue November 2004 The Cassini space probe
made a remarkable discovery during its recent fly past Saturn’s planet-sized moon Titan. NASA scientists say they
believe the data picked up by the craft indicates the surface of Titan is a combustible combination of organic “snow”
falling on lakes of liquid methane and ammonia ice flows. Toby Owen, a scientist
at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in In a sense, this is bad
news for space researchers who are searching, at least subconsciously, for another place in our solar system to which the
human race may someday flee. The Earth’s environment has been so severely damaged by overpopulation and pollutants that
many scientists believe we are living on a dying planet. It was once hoped that
Titan, a moon nearly as large as Earth, was covered in frozen water and that life might be found deep under the ice cover.
But this apparently is not the case. Titan is as void of an environment suitable for human life as are all of the other celestial
bodies in our solar system. The idea of a globe comprised
of flammable gasses, so cold they are floating as a liquid covering, raises some fascinating thoughts. The glow from the methane
indicates that it extends an estimated 430 miles into space. What would happen, for
instance, when we sent a rocket propelled ship, the Huygens probe that is attached to the Cassini orbiter, to the surface
of Titan on Jan. 14? Will we inadvertently set fire to the methane? Is it possible that we will turn Titan into a second,
albeit much smaller burning star circling our solar system? True, without an abundant
supply of oxygen to feed the flames, getting a ball the size of Titan burning would be difficult. But a space craft like Cassini,
with plutonium generating power to its engines, might create a hot enough flame to do the job. I do not know if the Hyygens
probe also contains plutonium as a power source. I would not be surprised if it did. Thus we have an interesting
idea . . . that human intervention might alter and perhaps bring havoc to other parts of our solar system in addition to our
own planet. It is difficult to say
how hot a moon the size of Titan might get if it could be set ablaze, or if it would burn for any length of time. Titan is
smaller than the Earth. And it is minute in comparison to the sun. Titan also is extremely
cold. One estimate is that it is about -270 degrees, which explains why the methane is in liquid form instead of a gas. With
temperatures that low, the concept of fire on that globe in the sky might be pretty hard to achieve. That we have scientists
describing Titan’s surface as “flammable,” however, stirred my thoughts to the possibility of another human
folly. Turning that lovely moon into a flaming ball in the night sky would be a hellish thing for us to do. How would we explain
that to our grandchildren? Perhaps we would never have the chance. At the rate we are going, we may have the human race driven
into extinction before we need to think about such an improbable problem. In that case, it won’t even be on our minds. |