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Skeletal “Hobbit”
Human Remains No Surprise By James Donahue November 2004 Nearly lost during the
recent election fervor has been the excitement among anthropologists over the discovery of the skeletal remains of tiny humanoids
that once lived on the Already dubbed “Homo
floresiensis,” signifying a newly discovered species of human, the fossilized remains have electrified the scientific
community. That is because the “little
people” apparently grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child, had skulls about the size of grapefruits, and
lived in Also found in the same
area are the bones of pygmy elephants and Komodo dragons, suggesting that these strange “Hobbit” people lived
in somewhat of a fairy existence right here on Planet Earth, long before modern humans arrived on the scene. Naturally, there has
been a lot of speculation about these strange humanoid beings . . . just who they were and how they got here. A puzzle to
the anthropologists is how they could have existed in that remote part of the world without evidence of their existence being
found elsewhere in the world. Are they aliens? Did
they come from outer space to live for a while on that island before dying off? No, says psychic Aaron
C. Donahue. They were just one of many variations of humanoids that existed for a while on the planet over a span of hundreds
of thousands of years. They existed for a brief moment in the distant past, but then died off because either their size, or
their mental development, proved unsuccessful to meet the demands of their environment. There were many other
humanoid types that came and went. We have found their remains all over the planet, from Neanderthal to Homo erectus and beyond.
But only the modern species . . . Homo sapien, was successful. At least that is what we call ourselves. But if the truth be known
. . . and it is right before everybody’s eyes. There is a wide variety of successful versions of humanoid in existence
all over this planet. From the yellow skinned Asians to the dark skinned Africans and the blond, blue-eyed Europeans and the
red-skinned Native Americans . . . we all come from different stock. Yet we are all very much alike. There seems to be an
amazing history behind the existence of the human race on this planet. We were genetically processed by the Mother Earth over
thousands of years, before the Luciferians arrived to begin the final genetic manipulation. This is when the DNA
was changed, and Lucifer “breathed into us” the spark that made us unique from the animals. Obviously the Neanderthals,
the Homo erectus and the newly discovered Homo floresiensis were not included in the Luciferian “alteration.”
For whatever reason, they were failed experiments in the Mother’s work to bring on the successful humanoids. While they
existed, they were equal to the animals, and nothing else. |