Are UFOs Hiding Behind The Clouds?
By James Donahue
Photos of odd cloud formations and frequent sightings of
unidentified flying objects all over the world have prompted stories of alien craft that hide behind clouds.
We have been hearing these stories for a few years. Back
when Doris and I lived under the bright blue skies of Arizona, we used to notice strange clouds that didn’t seem to
We were experimenting in those days with making things happen
by mere thought. Doris came up with the idea of thinking away the cloud, just to see if we could do it. I think she also wondered
if anything was hiding behind it.
We succeeded sometimes at making parts of a cloud go away,
but there always seemed to be a remnant left behind. Was a ship hiding there? The imagination can sometimes run wild about
stuff like that, especially while living in a super-charged esoteric setting like Sedona, Arizona.
People there claimed to see UFOs hovering over the town
in broad daylight.
Some people believe the UFOs can disguise themselves as clouds
so we can look right at them and not see them as they really are. Indeed, if the beings that control the ships make them appear
as clouds, are they using holographic projections?
There are a few interesting stories on the web about people
who have experienced strange encounters with cloud formations.
Russian Vitaly Kosinov said he was picking nuts in the fall
of 1989 when he suddenly was overcome with a feeling of great apprehension. He said he felt as if someone or something was
observing him. When he looked up, there was an odd dark-gray cloud hovering overhead. He said he fell to the ground, as if
the energy in the cloud overpowered him. To this day be believes he may have been abducted but has no memory of it.
In late August, 2004, just after dusk, people in the eastern
United States noticed a small silvery cloud of light in the northwest sky. Amateur astronomer John Bortle said he observed
the cloud from his home in Stormville, New York, just after 9 p.m. He said it remained in the sky for about 25 minutes.
Other observers described the cloud as a round dish, about
the size of the moon. Bill Bogardus, of Long Island, said while observing the object through an eight-inch telescope, he noticed
two points of light.
Even though some dramatic looking photos have been taken
of similar cloud formations, scoffers think they have a logical answer.
They call these “lenticular clouds” formed by
water droplets (as are all clouds) that are formed over mountains during high winds.
Indeed. From the photos I’ve seen, it is difficult
not to wonder.