Aspartame Cover-up Reaches Into
High Places
By James Donahue
When the R. G. Searle Co. put
Aspartame on the market as the artificial sweetener NutraSweet in the 1970s, records indicate that company officials and the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) already knew it was an unsafe neurotoxin that triggered tumors, seizures and a variety
of other brain disorders.
A published paper by Dr. Joseph
Mercola, to be found on, notes that Aspartame was once on a Pentagon list of bio-warfare chemicals submitted to
Congress. It was listed as a chemical weapon designed to impact large populations.
It contains three synthetic
amino acids, phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol, all poisonous neurotoxins.
Phenylalanine is known to cause
seizures and it degrades into DKP, a tumor causing agent. Aspartic acid has been found to cause holes in the brains of mice
in test labs. And Methanol, or wood alcohol, is a cumulative toxin that destroys the optic nerve, causes blindness, and kills
fetal tissue. Methanol in the body breaks down into formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and formic acid which has the chemical
composition of ant poison. Formic acid is used commercially as a paint stripper.
Aspartame is currently banned
in all children’s products in the European Common Market, but it is found in almost everything produced and sold in
the United States and Canada, including the medicine we are prescribed or buy over the counter.
So how did such an ingredient
get in the commercially produced products we all consume?
A paper by Dr. Betty Martini
notes that tests on monkeys and hamsters clearly showed severe problems with the product. FDA toxicologists Adrian Gross and
Jacqueline Verrett strongly objected to its approval for public consumption. The FDA withheld approval of the product for
16 years.
Yet it was eventually marketed
anyway, making its way into soft drinks and a wide variety of other prepared foods and promoted as a safe alternative to sucrose
and sugar. While public awareness of this dangerous substance has grown, Aspartame can still be found in many of the prepared
foods we buy.
Since it went on the market
there has been a massive increase in brain disorders in both children and adults throughout not only the United States but
also in many other countries where Aspartame or American-made products containing Aspartame are sold. These disorders range
from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases and Multiple Sclerosis in adults to Attention Deficit Disorder, other
learning and behavior problems and severe depression sometimes leading to suicide in children.
New reports now indicate that
Aspartame also interacts with most drugs, causing them to be ineffective or changing their properties.
Author Dr. James Bowen wrote:
"Because aspartame in the processes of digestion and metabolism, forms about ten other known severe poisonings, and intermediate
metabolites, its potential for drug related interactions is immeasurable. To top that off, the aspartame molecule is so heinously
poisonous in different ways that it never passed a single FDA standard toxicity test.”
Instead of taking Aspartame
off the market, the pharmaceutical industry, with the FDA’s approval, has marketed a spate of powerful and costly drugs,
including putting children on the controversial mind bending narcotic Ritalin, to control behavior.
How could this happen in the
United States where we always thought the FDA was keeping close watch over the safety of the products we consume?
The blame appears to lay on
the cunning of Donald Rumsfeld, the man that served under Presidents Ford and George W. Bush as our Secretary of Defense and
who was the CEO of Searle Co. at the time Aspartame was finally put on the open market.
Bowen was quoted in Martini’s
paper as charging that Rumsfeld was apparently hired by Searle as a way of using political power to get Aspartame approved.
Rumsfeld’s authority reached all of the way into the White House, where newly elected President Ronald Reagan took “direct
executive measures to paralyze (the) FDA from further action against Aspartame,” Bowen wrote.
He continued: “Our FDA
has never been the same since. Deadly chemicals now being blessed by FDA are marketed as wholesome pharmaceuticals, are just
the tip of the iceberg, and the result of Rumsfeld's damage.”
The agency now, instead of being
a watchdog for the public, appears to be controlled by the pharmaceutical and chemical cartel in America. In a sense, it is
linked to a form of organized crime involved in a massive rip-off of the public pocket book.
Bowen wrote that Aspartame also
is found to be a “destroyer of DNA,” attacking the mitochondrial and leading to birth defects that can be passed
on to all future generations. Not only that, but the sweetener is found to be a “virulent brain carcinogen. No other
chemical causes the brain cancer rate to jump as much,” Bowen said.
Stephen Lester, a spokesperson
for The Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste, wrote that the FDA now recalls drugs that are found to interact with Aspartame,
and leaves the toxic sweetener on the market.
One example of this was the
decision to pull Ephedra, or Chinese MaHaung, from the market after an athlete died that was also using Diet Coke with Aspartame.
Lester noted that Dr. John Olney reviewed the FDA records on Ephedra and found it to be safe. Yet nobody thought to look at
Aspartame and its interaction with Ephedra as the possible cause of the athlete’s sudden death.
The bottom line to all of this
appears to be a willingness by the big drug and chemical companies to break the rules for more and more profits at the expense
of the general public. And if profit isn’t the motive, do we dare to suggest that the public is being poisoned by design?
You might be interested to know
that the R. G. Searle Company sold the production rights of Aspartame to Monsanto Corp., another company with a nefarious
reputation. But the bad publicity has apparently made Aspartame too hot for even Monsanto to handle. The current manufacturer
is the Ajinomoto Group of Japan.