Sprat Issue 43 – Dutch Preparation For 2012 Apocalypse
By James Donahue
People all over the world have knowledge of the ominous Mayan Calendar that comes to
an abrupt end on December 21, 2012. Because of the growing number of world calamaties and the religious beliefs in a looming
"end of days," many doomsday prognosticators are pointing to that calendar and saying the Mayans magically knew the time and
exact date of the end of the world as we know it.
Archaeologists and students of the Mayan culture say there was nothing magical about
the Mayan people, although they obtained a highly advanced civilization and managed to create one of the most accurate calendars
ever known. That it was carved in stone made the calendar a well-preserved document that now hoovers over humanity like an
anvil about to fall on our heads. This is because the end of the last recorded cycle stops on the day of the winter solstace
this year.
We suspect the stone carver simply ran out of room to project the calendar any farther.
But this is only our personal thought. There is evidence that the world will come to an abrupt end, or that Jesus will return
in the sky on December 21. But the concern is that when enough people entertain the same thought at the same time, we have
the power to make the very thing we expect come to pass. And lets face it, a lot of people are looking at that particular
calendar date with a sense of anxiety.
As pointed out by our Godlike Production doomsayer Jack Sprat, the people of Holland
appear even more apprehensive about this so-called apocalyptic date than most other folks.
One Internet report said Dutch newspapers and even government leaders are warning people
to stock up on food and water and prepare survival kits in preparation for a pending world-wide disaster. One writer said
"you will be shocked to see how many Dutch people are preparing for the end times."
A United Press International story said "thousands of people in the Netherlands say
they expect the world to end in 2012, and many say they are taking precautions to prepare for the apocalypse." The story said
most people were "not optimistic about the end of civilization."
The people in the Netherlands are especially concerned about the warming planet and
the melting icecaps which are causing a rise in sea level all over the world. This is because 20 percent of the area and 21
percent of the people live below sea level and 50 percent of the land lies less than one meter above sea level. The land below
sea level is protected by dykes. If sea levels continue to rise they foresee a time when their homes and towns will be flooded.
Strangely a large number of the citizens of Holland do not attend church, although many
say they believe in the existence of a "God" or "Creator." The Roman Catholic church remains the largest formal religion in
the Netherlands with about four million members, or 24 percent of the Dutch population. The Protestant Church has about 16
percent of the people, and there are some 850,000 Muslims.
Of course the Christian churches are promoting the concept of a looming apocalyptic
event when Christ returns. The Muslim religion also is looking for some kind of end-of-the-world event.
The people in the Netherlands may be more outspoken about it, but they may be only a
slice of the world mass of people who are growing more and more convinced that something significant is going to occur before
the end of 2012.
Does this belief account for all of the alleged tunneling and construction of underground
fortifications occurring around the world? Is it the reason for the mass collection of food and medical supplies by FEMA?
Does somebody in high places know something the rest of us don't?