Dramatic Weather Events Are
Upon Us - Worried Yet?
By James Donahue
The nation this year reels from the army of mile-wide tornadoes
marching across the landscape, struggles against flooding rainfall in places where it never happened before, and worries about
unusual drought, one-hundred mile-per-hour straight winds that topple trees and tear roofs from homes, and brace for an onslaught
of expected hurricanes soon to be upon us.
Those of us old enough to remember the “big storms”
of the past know that they were rare. They were the kind of thing that people talked about for years afterward. Now they are
coming on us so frequently that we don’t have time to mark them down in our memories as something to be long remembered.
Something worse appears to be just around the corner.
Is anybody getting worried? We notice that the television weather
pontificators are talking about these storms in scientific terms, explaining how warm and cold
air fronts are to be blamed, or speaking of such things as El-Nina or El-Nino, or the cooling and heating of the oceans.
They are basically assuring the nation that we are observing something unusual all right, but there is nothing to get alarmed
Move along folks, nothing to see here.
We notice that NBC News anchor Bryan Williams is beginning to
ask the questions. With almost every major weather event, like the recent run of tornadoes, the record March heat wave across
the land, and the lack of much of a winter anywhere in the United States, Williams invites some weather specialist to appear
on his show. He always asks if global warming, alias climate change, is linked to these odd weather phenomena. And he rarely
gets a straight answer.
Remember that the weather people, the talking heads on our television
screen, and the networks that produce the weather and news programming are financed largely by big corporations that do not
want us to change our demand for fossil fuels and the many gadgets they produce using energy generated from the burning of
those fuels. Doing something about weather change would mean taking drastic action. And that kind of activity is bound to
hurt corporate profits.
Thus the strategy is to keep the sheeple calm and keep telling
them all is well. What you are seeing here is a normal weather pattern. Politicians and some (paid) scientists are still denying
proof of global warming. Scientific journals are still publishing articles suggesting that the world has always gone through
cycles of warming and cooling. Nothing to worry about folks.
But alarming warnings are coming from many scientists who have
been very aware of what is happening. The latest edition of Scientific American, for example, carries the first of an extensive
three-part series of articles by award winning science writer John Carey titled: “Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather Is
a Product of Climate Change.”
In the articles, Carey, the former editor of Science Magazine,
shows how the increase in violent storms, once only a prediction of climate models, have become “a matter of observation.”
They are no longer a theory. The storms, the droughts, the melting ice caps, the extreme winters and rising sea levels have
become a reality.
The Abba Father, an entity that claims to be one of “the
old ones” who watch over the Earth, has warned that the time has come for humans to turn away from materialism and to
look to spiritual matters, learn to love one another and to love the planet. He says we must stop mining and drilling into
the planet for gold and oil because the living Mother Earth is sick and needs time to rest and recover.
The Abba Father has warned that “in May of this year bad
storms will cripple the United States.” He also warns that “events will come that make it harmful to process food
and other resources.”
Take heed earthlings. The most important concern this political
season is climate change. It is not money, jobs, contraception, gay or women’s rights or oil. Yet not a single candidate
for office is daring to speak of it.