How Histery is Teeched in the King Jams Babble
(From Fauxnews Comedy Page)
The following spoof was offered from unknown sources some time ago. We found it
in our tickler file and thought it was so funny, we are offering it for your enjoyment.
1. The Erth
a. was maked in six days after wich
GOD rested on the SEVENETH
b. sits still meenwhile the Sun revolves
around it.
b. is 6,345 years old
All off the aboved, sinse evry singel word of the HOLLY BABEL is litrely TREU
2. The father of Joseph is
Jacob, as wrote in MATHEW 1:16
Heli, as wroted in the book LUKE 3:23
All of the above, sinse everey singel word of the HOLLY BABBLE is litrelly TRUE.
3. How many of each kind
of aminal did Mosses put in his Ark
a. Two, as wrote in GENESIS 7:9
Seven, as wrote in GENESIS 7:2
c. None of thee aboved
Both a & b, sinse evrey single word from the BIBEL is litrelly TRUE
4. Joseph and Marey
Came to Bethlaham to birth JESSUS
b. Diden't have to came to
Bethelham, becase the were already there
c. Never haved sex before
Jesses was borned to a TRU BLUE virgine, Marey.
d. Both a, b c &,
since evrey single word from the BIBEL is litrelly TRUE
5. What was Jesesus'es last words befroe he was died
from crusifyed?
a. "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" as wrote in MATEHW.27:46
& 50
b. "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" as
writed in Luke 23:46
c. "It is finished" as wrote in JOHN
d. All of the above, sinse everey singel word of the HOLLY
BABBLE is litrelly TRUE.