About The Mystery Of The Dark Matter In Space
By James Donahue
An international team of astronomers recently used NASA's Hubble telescope to capture an image of
a "ghostly ring" of what they called dark matter deep in another galaxy.
They said this ring was formed long ago during a "titanic collision" between two galaxies, and it
is the first time that a dark matter distribution has not only been observed, but photographed.
What was remarkable about this story is that dark matter is, by its very definition, an invisible
something that astronomers now believe comprises a large part of the universe. They say it cannot be seen because it appears
to be the opposite of "ordinary matter," or the stuff of which the suns and planets and other visible objects in our universe
is made of.
Astronomers came to the conclusion that not only dark matter, but something called dark energy exists
in that vacuum of deep space because of the way the stars and solar systems and even the galaxies all behave as part of the
whole. They say that the very laws of physics, as understood by science, concludes that there has to be an invisible substance
of something in the midst of all that vast darkness that holds everything together in the harmonious rhythm of movement that
we observe as our new battery of high powered telescopes probe to the very edge of space.
And therein dwells the great mystery. Whatever is out there exists within a vacuum, it is invisible
to us, we can fly space probes through it without obstruction, yet scientists say it must exist.
This information may fit within a theory that we exist in one of two universes, and that the blackness
of deep space remains invisible to us because we are blinded by our inability to utilize the full extent of our brains.
Every human brain has the potential of reaching a point where it has up to 100 billion electrons firing,
although few of us get beyond about 10 percent of this number working within our live-time. In a strange parallel, astronomers
estimate that there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, but we can only see about 10 percent of what exists. The rest of
our universe is comprised of dark and invisible matter.
The question then is, if we could learn to turn on all of the neurons in our brains and by utilizing
both left and right hemispheres at the same time, get all 100 billion neurons firing at the same time, could we see the rest
of the universe?
And if this is possible, what else might become visible to us?
Psychics and spiritual leaders talk about opening that third eye so we can see "beyond the veil."
Indeed, this appears to be a scientific way of achieving this very thing. There is an active spiritual world that surrounds
us. Thus that second universe may be so incredibly close we should be capable of not only observing it, but stepping
into it.
This is extremely abstract thinking for most of us. Only people Stephen Hawking and a few other mental
giants of the world have a grasp of this concept. Hawking once said that the truth of everything is so simple that the day
is soon coming when in a flash, everyone will know it.