Associated Press Board
Appointment Reflects Failing Journalism In America
By James Donahue
Older journalists who
remember the days of real digging to get that balanced story may share my dismay at the appointment of Rupert Murdock to the
board of directors of The Associated Press.
For years we newspaper
writers and editors trusted the Associated Press for its solid news coverage and fairness. We who subscribed to this news
service downloaded those stories daily, showing full confidence in their accuracy and truthfulness. This may be changing,
Murdock, the creator
of the Fox News Channel, the televised version of tabloid “yellow” journalism, has been sinking heavy money into
a dying newspaper industry all across the United States, Europe and his native Australia most of his life. His 2007 acquisition
of Dow Jones & Co. and its newspaper, The Wall Street Journal may have made him the head of the world’s largest
media empire, but it did not make him a respectable decision-maker when it comes to good, solid journalism.
What has happened is
that the impact of the Murdock style of creating explosive news out of personal tragedies, slanting national news stories
to support his neoconservative political views, and ignoring the important world stories like events going on in China, Russia,
India and even South America, has forced a shift in the news focus all across the nation.
Murdock has made a fortune
doing what he has been doing. Because it is all about money, major news networks and newspapers appear to be attempting to
follow the style of media coverage, set by Murdock’s News Corp. staffers, instead of attempting to report what is really
going on.
Among the exceptions
is MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann’s weeknight newscast that has been gaining in popularity ever since Olbermann first
went on the air in 2003. He recently was rated the second most watched nightly news show in the nation. Olbermann pulls no
punches when it comes to attacking Murdock, many of the talking heads at what he calls “Fixed News,” and labeling
bad journalism for what it is.
Olbermann offers a unique
style of news coverage that should not be imitated. But he is demonstrating that good and entertaining news coverage is still
possible, without going the route of slanted stories and irresponsible sensationalism.
Olbermann also is proving
that there is a hunger by television viewers for something better than the folks at Fox and CNN have been dishing out.